Charecter sheet for "Robert"

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Charecter sheet for "Robert"

Postby dedman » August 28th, 2006, 11:34 pm


A. Common Name

Name? I have many, I will allow you to reference me as Robert.

B. Full Title and Rank

Considers a title and rank to be petty.

C. Race


D. Magical Alignment


E. Military Division/Rank


F. Character Overview

Elegant, arrogant, superior, aloof. You could almost say outright pompous, except for the simple fact that the basest of respect will always be there. After all, you don’t play with your food, or minions. Often.

G. Ability

As a vampire, he is “immortal” even though it’s hard to define the term for dead people.

The man before you most definitely possesses heightened intelligence, supplemented with quick wits and a strong resolve. He is not one to get into complicated discussion with about anything without the greater part of the kingdom’s library available for quick reference.

As any kindred should know, the most important skill to learn shall always be stealth, as an information gatherer, he has taken that a step further and mastered hiding even within plain sight to those who would be aware of his presence.

Though not permanent, He has been able to heighten his reflexes and ground speed to the point that he is nothing but a blur to the most well trained eyes, and all but invisible to those unskilled at following fast targets.

His “requiem”(explained below) has always been to manipulate everything around him, and he has spent decades mastering this “art”. Spending all of his free time dealing in information, be it accurate or subterfuge, if you need to know someone, something, somewhere, you should be able to come to him for help… For a price.

H. Physiology

Before you stands an immaculately groomed gentleman, appearing to be in his early to mid thirties, wearing a pressed suit and tie with dress shoes shined to a mirror finish. All of it black, naturally.

He is of above average looks with strong facial features, and those features are framed with short, slicked back hair, not a single strand is out of place.

His 5 foot 11 inch frame is supported with a well-defined muscular structure, by no means bulky or overdone.

From head to toe, every detail is taken care of, every fingernail is trimmed and cleaned, though pale, there is not a trace of a wrinkle across his flesh. His suit will be worn once, and disposed of for another tailor made garment of the exact same type, for it is now “worn and unsatisfactory”.

I. History

“Ahh, now that’s the real trick, isn’t it? My “tricks” come at a very high price.”

This man follows his own whims, his “requiem”.

He has vowed never to sire another being, as it would simply provide competition. Though the idea of breaking “Amaranth”, that is, to drink the blood of a kindred to damn them to a final death and increase his own power, has proven a very tempting thought, he has passed up every opportunity he has ever had.

The only things known for a fact about this man are as follows:

He carries great pride in his “requiem”, or the ability to follow his own path, letting no-one aid him with anything. He has spent better then 75 years walking his own path, mostly leading to and from various kingdoms. When he leaves, one of two things have always happened: The kingdom never realized he was there, as he leaves with all of the information and wealth he can travel with. Or the kingdom collapses without his heavy handed influence in the local infrastructure.

Nothing else is known about him, even his age and shoe size are a mystery to all but the highest ranked kindred within his bloodline. They happen to like his style as a manipulative, controlling, bull-headed, perfect representative of his bloodline. Good luck finding out what bloodline he honors though.

It also seems, he arrived following someone named "Akane" who arrived on a boat, no reports are ready indicating how long either will stay.

J. Mannerisms

He is an interesting gentleman to watch perform any task, as every step is checked and verified before continuing. Every detail must be up to par or it is discarded and the step repeated. Though this man is not completely obsessive, it does give the (false) impression that he takes too much time with everything he does, in reality, you would be astounded at the speed that he has in accomplishing any task.

K. Properties of Choice

Claws and fangs act as natural weapons when feeding or in self defense, along with a large assortment of stilettos made from various materials including but not limited to: (Alloy materials will be marked with a *)

Mercury laced Iron*

L. Sociology

He considers himself to have no family or friends, only those who follow their “requiem” are considered as a base acquaintance.

Side Note: This information should in no way be considered complete, or 100% trustworthy. Someone this secretive is hard to pin down for an interview…
This one came from looking
This one opened twice
These two seem as smooth as silk, flush againt my eyes
This one needed stiches and
This one came from rings
This one isn't even there, but I feel it more because you don't care
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Postby Gakhan » August 30th, 2006, 7:19 am

this could be good or bad for Gakhan :shock:
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Postby dedman » August 30th, 2006, 7:26 pm

I wonder, do you plan on purchasing any of his "services" then? :P
This one came from looking
This one opened twice
These two seem as smooth as silk, flush againt my eyes
This one needed stiches and
This one came from rings
This one isn't even there, but I feel it more because you don't care
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Postby Gakhan » August 31st, 2006, 12:03 am

not sure what will happen but we need to get them in an rp together NOW!!
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Postby Joe » August 31st, 2006, 12:06 am

the rp will start most likely this weekend
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Postby Tordek » August 31st, 2006, 6:10 pm

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Postby Gakhan » August 31st, 2006, 11:20 pm

tordek you havent told me my part in that!

i better have one or ill kill someone. I tried it once Tork, remember? maybe that dagger wasnt really cursed :twisted:
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Postby Tanglehood Wolfgang » September 1st, 2006, 8:47 pm

Oh, I want in, I won't kill anybody if I don't but I'll talk to you till you let me it, and I've been told that's a fate worse than death, so I guess my threat's worse that Gak's, course I've seen Gak fight and I don't think it would be that bad to be killed by him, cause he's so good at it he'd make it real quick and painless i'll bet, i mean have you seen the way he spins those knives of his, and then that's that shadow thing he does, you'd never see it coming, but i'll bet he'd be able to make it real slow and painful if he wanted to, i'll bet he could sneak up behind you and knock you out and take you to some secret hide out and tie you up and then peel your flesh off bit by bit with a really dull knife so that he'd have to pull really hard to get it to come off, but i still think that most people would prefer that to having me talk to them endlessly, just rambling non stop, so what do you think, can i get in on this rp, i'd really really really really really really really really really really really love it if you'd let me in and i'd be really really really really really really really really really really really really really really good, and i won't get into trouble, darkan's been teaching me how to stay out of trouble, it hasn't helped much yet, but i think i'm getting the hang of it, really i am, and i promise to do what i'm told and i've got magic now, did ya know that, i'm not good at it yet, but i'm getting better, just the other day i only blew up two tables, twelve chairs, four vases, a full set of china and crystal and singed a darkan's cat, that's good isn't it, so you see i can be of use to you, so what do you say, can i get in?
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