The Possession

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Postby Milton » September 30th, 2006, 12:06 am

Milton didn't really understand why the wolf acted like it did. Maybe it was afraid of Blythe. It didn't matter though because Blythe was there, the wolf wouldn't be able to hurt them.

Even if he was slightly confused about what Blythe had said, Milton trusted that his words were true. Maybe they'd be explained more later, but Milton didn't really care which way things went.

So, that meant this wolf was James. Strange, but alright. Crouching down, Milton picked up his knife, smiling at James for a moment while putting it back in its place.

He had almost killed James, woops.
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Postby James » September 30th, 2006, 6:02 pm

The wolf's ears perked up, his eyes flying open. Milton crouched before him to pick up his knife and James seemed to almost smile at him, and then he looked a Blythe and gave him an "I'm sorry" look as best he could, though it could've been taken as any other sort of expression, what with him being a wolf and not a human.

It took him a little bit of effort to keep the Beast at bay, currently. He bit it again, forcing it against a corner, taunting it to come at him. The Beast hid itself in the corner, waiting for a proper moment to come out. James forged a makeshift cage for him in his mind, but didn't know if it would hold well. He needed to get to zip...

This distraction caused him to look away, as though he were spacing off. He was noticeably distracted, however, and coming back out of his mind he looked away.

Holding his head up to some random direction, he sniffed the air. Lowering his head, the scents filled his nose, locating where... finding where... tracking where... zipcat was. When he caught a faint scent he sighed and walked off in that direction, his sniffer to the ground. Akunosh's scent was there, as well.
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Postby Blythe » October 1st, 2006, 5:36 pm

..:: Blythe guessed that with time, the thing would pick a side; to help him or not. If the filthy thing went against him, though, it wouldn't be too hard to end the wolf-boy's trouble causing. Still, he had things to do, even if other tasks had to be done first. There was no rush, of course, but the sooner the better. He patted the wolf-thing on the head once, hoping that it would help him kill the paladin some day, and turned half way to the healer. It wasn't time yet to go after the man, but when it was, hopefully the thing could smell him out like it was sniffing now. ::..

"I will be waiting for it, Healer."

..:: With that, he went back, knowing that too much time wasted would leave him out when the sun raised. That wouldn't be good. ::..
Sweet child in time, you'll see the line;
The line that's drawn between good and bad.
See the blind man shooting at the world.
Bullets flying; taking toll.

If you've been bad, (oh) Lord, I bet you have
And you've not been hit, oh, by flying lead
You'd better close your eyes.
O-oh, bow your head.
Wait for the ricochet.
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Postby Milton » October 1st, 2006, 5:58 pm

Whatever was wrong with James, it seamed to be driving him crazy. Milton shook his head, holding himself straight again when Blythe spoke. He tapped the veil in his pocket.

With a yawn, he nodded. It would be a long walk, but he didn't mind.
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Postby James » October 2nd, 2006, 12:37 am

James, delighted with the tap on his head, licks Blythe's hand before going off to sniff.

He pondered leaving the two behind him, unless they followed him to zip.

The beast pulled him by the ears. Go to her, it whispered. Protect her, it whispered. Kill those who do harm to her, it whispered. James ripped at its throat. Die, you bastard, he thought. Die, and go to the firey pits of hell.

He sauntered off towards zipcat.
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