james11122 wrote:I am trying to test the waters about the possibility of a cross clan competition, involving the top 3 clans of DC (W&W, SOIA, and TITAN). The contest would be a character creation one, where people involved would create new characters, take a screen shot of their freshly made chracter, post it, and play to age 27. With the winner being the person with the highest lvl/guts/wits/charm/skill. We have some things to work on to figure out exactly how we are going to do it if we are going to make it work though. Will it be all members from either clan allowed to participate? Will it be a team from each clan? I'm thinking because it will have to be on the honor system it should be respected members of the community from each clan forming a team (maybe 5 per team?) but it is is looking promising. The things the clan leaders and organizers would have to work on would be things like prizes, when would it happen, and we would need the exact formula to determine a winner as well. Would it be lvl over guts over wits over skill? Would it be....? Well there are a few things to work out. But it would breath some energy into the clans I think.
What does Titan think?
As to scoring, I would think that the X-Factor system Titan uses is a fair meter of overall achievement.