Rotting Rogue: Archival

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Postby jadewik » May 13th, 2008, 10:03 pm

"You know Curulan, sometimes locking your loved ones up does more harm than good...but then again it seems like one of the only ways you can really control a woman like Ebon..."

..::With those words, he put down the platters of food he had carried. He had done the work that Curulan had asked of him, without a word of disagreement or disrespect. He felt justified by his comment on the way up for his quiet leave beforehand::..

..::Sprawled before his liege and Curulan's wife was a mass array of fruits and only fruits. The mundane to the exotic lined the trays, each cut and served in a manner as to please. Slices of oranges blossomed into a flower, while rings of pineapple spiralled out on a plate. A few melon slices, along with coconuts, apples, grapes, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries were also stationed in individual containers::..

"My lady, this is what was made fresh and ready quickly. A full choice of meats including wild hare shall shortly arrive."

..::Pulling a bottle of wine from his cloak as if he was a magician pulling a rabbit from a hat, he placed it gently down upon the table next to the fruit, along with a single glass::..

..::There was something unusual about this bottle though. Tordek had a feeling his liege would spot it out quite quickly. First, the seal on the bottle was irregular, as it was not a wax one, but rather a brooch tied upon the neck of the bottle. It did look rather much like the original marking upon the bottle though. Secondly, the label was beginning to peel in one corner from the bottle::..

..::This was however because the Elf had inscribed a message on it and re-plastered it to the bottle. Written on the inside in delicate pen were instructions, that would be revealed either if Ebon finished the bottle or ripped off the label::..

Should you be needing anything, simply use the brooch. A dream spell will be cast, and your wish will be brought to me while I sleep...

..::Without a word, he slipped back. Tordek felt it better to be hidden as he found himself with a bit of emnity for Curulan, as he saw him to be a little too imperious for his taste. He had no wish to stay present with the head of the palace defenses as ultimately he was a security guard. With his supernatural ability, he hid in plain sight, remaining concealed within the chamber::..
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Postby jadewik » May 13th, 2008, 10:03 pm

Entering the room with a fair-sized stack of books cradled under one arm, Aman fumbled to reattach a large key ring to his belt. He gave an acknowledging nod to those in plain view and set the books down on a table by the wall. Turning around to face everyone, Aman opened his mouth to ask a few specifics about what Tordek had briefed him on in the library, but stopped short when he realized Curulan and Ebon were involved in a rather occupying conversation.

Taking up a spot off to the side, Aman folded his hands behind his back and waited to see what would unfold.
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Postby jadewik » May 13th, 2008, 10:03 pm

He can only smile as EA asks so many questions. Questions he was all to happy not to be on the receiving end of. But Curulan was, and as he was a friend he would be helped.

"M'lady as to how he can prove himself, I have no way thought up that he can. All I can say is this, look into your heart, i know it is buried deep. But listen to it and what your heart says about this man. Follow your instincts in this matter and in others. We are working on a way to fully help you but as for now i ask that you trust me."

As he speaks the elf has an idea and walks across the room to a table with parchment and a quill on it. He takes the quill and draws something, blocking the lady's view as he does, but when he finishes he takes the paper and holds it up for her, along with the sword he had removed from her earlier and conjured after he had made his drawing.

As he hold the parchment up you see a simple sigil, which matches the one on the bottom of the sword's scabbard.

"This is the only evidence i have that you are truly where you belong. And my word that you are my lord in the realm of the rogues."
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Postby jadewik » May 13th, 2008, 10:04 pm

The evidence seemed feeble, since his story could be made up, but she gave Gakhan's evidence a close inspection. There inlaid in the scabbard of the blade she had carried with her into the tavern before she'd passed out was the sigil he'd scribbled on the parchment. Strangely, the familarity of the symbol made some of her doubts grow wings.

Looking from the scabbard to Gakhan and to her Lord and Husband, Curulan, she couldn't help but feel something for this man. He hid his feelings well, but something in the expression he wore gave his concern and frustration away.

"If you are bent on persisting I am who I am, then let's pretend I am. What is the plan now, hmm?"

She hoped to everything unholy that she wasn't too deep in politics in this little organization of rogues. If this was true and she didn't remember who she was, how would she ever manage to be successful at it? She looked towards the man who claimed to be her husband for the answer and waited his reply.
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Postby jadewik » May 13th, 2008, 10:57 pm

Curulan nods, and continues.

"My answer and the final proof are the same. Were we back on my world, it would be simple for a Manasceran gifted in the thread of Mind to release the block on your memory. Unfortunately, none are present here. Fortunately, the process is similar to spell unweaving, a process I am very familiar with."

Curulan leans forward and looks straight at Ebon, giving her the look he usually gives when he says simple truths that he expects to be accepted.

"While I can remove the block on your memory, the process I must use is painful, through the fault of none -- it will feel almost like a rather bad hangover. Also, you will need to keep yourself firmly set in reality. Although I will be removing the block slowly, the flood that will go through your short-term memory will be rather unsettling and you might get lost. Finally, I will need you to lay aside the dagger during this process. It has the power to countermand magic..."

...and I do not wish to exercise the power necessary to work around it. The last part he does not say, but places inside Ebon's mind in a way that only she would be aware of it, but only if she pays attention to it.

"The restoration of your memories should answer many of your questions, but I swear I will freely answer any others you have afterward. I will also explain the situation and its urgency."

Curulan sits back, and awaits Ebon's answer.
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Postby jadewik » May 13th, 2008, 10:57 pm

A sinister grin slithers across Ebon's face. She glances momentarily at the silver dagger, still laying on a table beside the bath, to indicate it isn't on her person.

"I suppose a little headache is worth the truth."

She'd had hangovers in the past, she remembered that much. How bad could this one be? Of course, nothing could hurt worse than the burning gash that the shard of Onyx had left in her arm. Thinking about her arm made her flex her fingers and unconsciously rub the inky black mark left on her skin.

"So do you want to do it here or on the bed? I hope you like an audience," she motioned to the others in the room, "If they're planning on staying, they might want to cover their ears, since I might get vocal.... you know, if I lose myself in the moment." She winked demurely at Curulan.

"I'll need something to focus on to keep me focused on the present, and I'm out ideas as to what I can use for that, since I'm not familiar with anything here."

She thought about asking someone to reopen the wound on her arm or to even ask someone to break her arm, as the pain would keep her in the present and detract from the other pain-- especially if she got someone to squeeze the wound.

"Perhaps you'd be able to keep my attention in the present? If you are who you say you are, I wouldn't mind directing my focus to you." Ebon's mind wandered as she undressed Curulan with her eyes. "Yes, I wouldn't mind at all..."
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Postby jadewik » May 13th, 2008, 10:57 pm

..::Watching the proceedings with ever widening eyes, Tordek wondered if it would not be the right time to take the Archon position for himself. Ebon was weak now. Curulan would help her and once again she would be normal. His chance was now. The thought of striking Curulan from behind crossed his mind over and over::..

..::Over the years though he had gained respect for the Rogue. He had been through many adventures for her, ones that he would not have gone on unless he was under her command. Curulan too was also somewhat kind to the thief, no matter how he hid it. There was a certain attitude he could take against the Elf, but he chose not to, as if there was a silent indication of slight respect::..

..::Was it all enough though, he wondered. Was this enough to stop him from slipping Nightbringer out and forcing his honed skills in a sneak attack upon the Palace Guard. Traditions he could care less about, honor too. He waited, and watched::..
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Postby jadewik » May 13th, 2008, 10:58 pm

((Earlier that week))

..::Zuka's mind control had gone berserk. Never before had that happened before. Zuka and Angel both examained the remains of the Orc's exploded body::..

"I'm telling you this heart to heart, you better not try that again. What if you attempted that on a human? They would have suffered an unexcusable death like it did. I mean, what would you do if you were convicted of murder?"

..::Zuka shook his head slowly::..

"I've done this before, Angel. Something.....interupted my connection with this Orc. Besides, who cares about this beast?"

..::Raising his hand and speaking ancient words, the blood and flesh of the orc disappeared beneath the dirt. Angel turned around and gathered his belongings. Their camp was a mess::..

"Okay Zuka, lets go with your unlikely scenario. Something interupted you while you were mind controlling the orc and it exploded. How on earth could that ever happen? For someone who spent 300 years studying magic, you sure don't know how to use it wisely."

"Angel, sometimes I swear that I should not have accepted the king of Gilead's offer for you and thirty-nine other elves." (sighing to himself, he faces Angel) "Besides, I am the only one here who owes the Orcish Horde of the Dark Lord a kick in their a...."

..::One of the elves rode towards their commander and stopped within spitting distance::..

"King Telemnar, we are ready to move back to Titan's castle. I'm sure everyone there is eager to hear about Angel's research of your proposed method of mind control."

..::Waving his hand, Zuka ordered the elf away. He then reached out with his mind and contacted Rizea'alc, his dragon, and told him of their failures::..

"Angel, mount up our company and have them ready to move in thirty minutes. Twenty if you hurry. It'll take a few days to reach Titan and I don't want to be late to report our.....incident."

..::They set about their assigned tasks and set out for home::..
((Three days later, just outside of the Great Desert))

..::Rizea'alc soared in lazy circles nearly a thousand feet above Zuka's company of 40 elves. Their travel was going well, except for two ambushes led from the Horde::..

..::Zuka craned his neck, surveying the land. Behind them was a scorchering desert where nothing could survive very long; nothing, that is, except the best::..

"Zuka, we must stop to rest. We have been pressing too hard in a short amount of time. I demand that we take a five minute break before continuing any further."

..::He didn't feel like arguing, so Zuka agreed. He contacted Rizea and told him that they were going to rest for a few minutes before continuing. The dragon responded with silence::..

"Angel, I want you to oversee that the horses are well watered with what I am fixing to provide you all with."

..::Sighing, Angel passed the order. Zuka then walked towards a rock that overlooked the forest that lay before them. Reaching behind him and pulling from his cloak a staff, he raised it and, muttering the correct words, slammed the staff on the rock. Instantly, a geyser errupted and flowed towards the others. The group lined up and filled their canteens. Being a High Elf, he despised these lower class elves. They were almost like.....humans. However, the two things that impressed Zuka were that these were seasoned soldiers and never questioned any of his commands. He was pleased that he finally had an obedient army, but was displeased at the same time because of their low caste::..

"Sir, we've all restocked our supplies. We're ready to go as per your command, sir."

..::This had come from the most obedient elf in the entire company, Nolofinwë Tasartir. Several times Zuka had offered him a promotion towards an officer rank, but he had politely refused. "It would be an insult to the others that an elf of my status was chosen" were the exact words that he had said, kindly of course::..

"Ok, lets mount up and move out. We can't waste any more time."

((Two days later, Titan Castle, Zuka's debriefing))

..::Zuka stood at attention, ignoring the cloaked figures that sat before him, hidden in the darkness. Only he was standing in the light, bright enough to show almost all detail obvious to the eye. Several seneschals and other higher authorities debated amongst themselves about what they had heard. They were no longer conscerned about the project Zuka and Angel had been tasked to complete, but with word of the ambushes, they were worried::..

..::A deep, gruff voiced finally sounded, signaling that Zuka was noticed again::..

"King Telemnar, are you one-hundred percent positive that these were Orcs from the Ashwood Horde?"

"Sir. Yes sir." was his reply.

..::Zuka had never trusted humans very oftenly during his life and never took his eyes off of them when he was working with them. He couldn't see these humans, so he attempted to not let his fear show. These were men that could order him to his death if they pleased for all he knew, but they wouldn't. They needed him if a war came. Besides, why would a king be afraid of humans? 'Because a king wasn't a king without his people, he thought bitterly'::..

..::Another voice, much rougher and meaner than the last, boomed::..

"How the blazes can you be so sure!"

"Show the king some respect, Regent Ackerson. It's the least he's deserved. Continue, King Telemnar. Tell us why you know they were Ashwood Orcs."

"They all wore black clad armor with a single red star on their helmets. I know that these were Ashwood Orcs because I've dealt with them before. In fact, these are the same Orcs that are responsible for destroying the Telemnar Clan four-hundred fifty years ago."

..::For nearly an hour, Zuka repeated several times what happened in the two weeks, from the Orc exploding from the interrupted mind control to the slaying of the last Ashwood Orc. Finally gaining enough confidence, he asked about why he smelled the scent of human blood. It was the seneschal that defended him earlier that answered::..

"A rogue was attacked somehow from a dagger made from Onyx. It has cursed her body near the wound and has set a mind block, preventing any of her memories from coming back."

"May I ask who it may be, sir?"

"First, stop calling me sir, it's scaring me. And yes, you may ask who it is. It was a rogue named Ebon Ashe. Right now her whereabouts are unknown, but I would imagine that she is being well guarded and her husband is speaking to her now."

..::Zuka had heard about this Rogue. She was a very skilled one, one that he would have never guessed in his life that could end up like this::..

"May I ask what she was doing when she got attacked?"

"Zuka, listen to me. Stop acting as if we're going to hurt you if you say something wrong. Now that we're clear on that, lets move onto your question. It is still a mystery to us why she was attacked and what she was doing. Her whereabouts were unknown for a while until she came back. If you want, I can arrange it so you can speak with her, but it would require the permission of her husband."

..::Zuka mulled over this new information. Yes, it would be a good experience to see Ebon and learn more. Perhaps his new spells could help out some::..

"Yes, I believe that I would like it if I could speak with her. Have it arranged immediately."

..::With that, Zuka set out of the High Council meeting room, and gathered his group::..

"Bring word to my estate once you have arranged it."

..::Opening a connection with his wife, he told her everything while riding his horse back home. His home::..
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Postby jadewik » May 13th, 2008, 10:58 pm

..::Licking his lips with temptation he contemplated the consequences over and over within a few split seconds in his mind::..

A coup, quick and decisive would work. There was no one that knew much of the higher echelons of the their class. There would be no disputes, only knowledge and power to be gained...Curulan though, what would he do. How could he operate in Titan if he was to be watched over by the husband of the rogue that he had stolen her position from...Was it all worth it.

...Damn Curulan and his involvement here. Planning would have to be taken, before action. Alas this is much too hasty...

..::Tordek stood breathing without a sound, calm and nonchalant. He took no stance for now and decided to let the events here continue::..
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Postby jadewik » May 13th, 2008, 10:58 pm

Curulan nods to himself, and motions to Ebon to come over to the bed and either sit or lay down -- whichever makes her more comfortable. He sits down next to her and places his hands on her face, to establish the physical contact necessary for this kind of magic.

Curulan establishes a telepathic link to Ebon's mind, then bends it back through his own then into her short-term memory, establishing a feedback loop; this is to allow Curulan's own mind to act as a buffer and sifter, so that Ebon's mind isn't overloaded with all the information rushing to her short-term memory and to ensure that they arrive in the proper order. Once the connection is complete, Curulan begins to release the knot holding the block in place. He then begins the task of setting her memories in the proper order, then feeding them back to her.

The angel notices an interesting sequence of events, and devotes a portion of his mind to deciphering that one, allowing the rest to continue on:

Argile carrying her back to Titan. A desperate escape. A dagger plunging into her arm. A frantic battle. A man in black robes and cowl. Doors of ebony.

Fingernails digging into her hands.... What? That image wasn't there originally!

Curulan jerks back into reality as he realizes the the fingernails are Ebon's and the hands are his own. Her fingernails were digging deep into the tops of his hands and blood was starting to trickle down his hands. All Ebon's memories were sent back to her, and the feedback loop was attempting to dump Curulan's own memories into her, something the buffer was not designed to handle. Quickly, Curulan shuts off the flow, allowing the connection to break down on its own. He wonders briefly just how much of his Truth has slipped into her conscious memory. He wouldn't be able to hide the reality of his mission on Dragon Court forever, now.

He removes her hands from his and the wounds begin closing on their own. Although it felt longer to Curulan, the whole process took only about five minutes. With luck, Ebon's memories are completly restored. Curulan asks a very open question, hoping that his wife can decipher his intended meaning.

"What do you remember?"
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Postby jadewik » May 13th, 2008, 10:59 pm

The memories flooded back to her so quickly Ebon-Ashe felt as though she were drowning in her past. Her head racked with intense pain and made her feel sick to her stomach. She didn't just see the events happening, she felt them too and it burned. Her head throbbed as she witnessed what had recently happened to her.

*** Flashback ***

She hadn't seen Thaer in ages-- not since her days following her dismissal from hell. The Shadow Mage had helped her transition back into the world of men. He'd gotten her a job as an assassin in a brothel, and helped her learn the devious art of masking pain and death with pleasure. It was high time she paid her debt to him in the promised blood she owed.

Soaked from sweat caused by the heat from the volcano as she had traveled, Ebon-Ashe stood in the anteroom of a great, black hall. The air amazingly cool gave her a chill, but she brushed the feeling aside.

"I'm Ebon-Ashe, faithful servant and friend to Lord Thaer. I've come to repay my blood debt to him." The Chancellor she spoke to bowed and scurried away quickly, taking her message with him post-haste, though it was some time before she was admitted to see Thaer.

She was walking through a great Onyx door with silver etchings of demons and spirits of the dead. The door guardians snarling and reaching out for her as she passed into a more grandure room. The demon-guards there offered no resistance. She answered their blank expressions with a smug look of satisfaction as she recognized their faces.

The doors closed ominously behind her as she entered the throne room. A powerful man covered in shadows sat on the throne, but something wasn't right. That man wielding the Onyx Shadow Staff was not Thaer, it was the filthy swine Hoth’ar who'd been after Thaer's holdings for years.

Hoth’ar glided down from his throne as if he were a shadow himself. His red eyes glowing orbs within the black wisps that surrounded him. Raven wisps of hair cascaded down his shoulders and back, moving as if they were a part of his ensamble.

Ebon didn't wait for him to speak, "I see my friend has been usurped by a fetid pile of dung."

He laughed, letting his response roll off his tongue in a light-hearted threat, "My dear, such srtong language you express towards me, and I haven't even done anything to you yet."

"Nor are you going to do anything to me." The sound of steel being drawn from scabbard was heard as Ebon-Ashe drew her sword. "I've come to pay my debt to Thaer and then I will leave this place... and if that debt means releiving your neck from the weight of that swollen mellon you call a head, so be it."

Hoth'ar hissed, "You dare to cross me, woman? I serve one more powerful than the one you've come to serve! I serve the powerful G'hal'ret." Darkness seemed to swallow him up, his rage and power resonating in the room like electric current, making the hairs on Ebon's spine stand on end.

She was deathly afraid. He could smell her fear. Her heart raced. The shadow moved closer. Battle ensued-- Blade flying against staff. Blow after blow was deflected by each side, but in a moment of weakness, Hoth'ar faltered and his staff was knocked from his grip and Ebon stood above him victorious-- so she thought.

Raising her blade to strike the decapitating blow to her foe, she paused and asked, "Have you any last words, swine?"

"I do."

"Then spit them out before I tire of your babbling."

Things moved as if in slow-motion. Hoth'ar slipped an Onyx dagger from it's sheath. Ebon-Ashe, knowing he was not in position to fatally wound her, swung at him. His blade dug into the flesh on her arm before her sword struck him. Searing pain ripped through her arm and body. Darkness enveloped her as she blacked out.

When she awoke, she lay in a pool of her own blood on the floor of the throne room. Hoth'ar was nowhere to be found. Stumbling out of the oddly vacant castle, Ebon-Ashe found Argile, mounted him, and urged him to go home.

The journey was long, and she kept blacking out. Gradually, her memory began to fill with holes.

*** End Flashback ***

Her experience caught up with the tavern, but soon intertwined with other memories of another land. She tried to immerse herself in them. Pain seared her face. She grabbed at it, holding it tight and digging her nails into.... Curulan's hands she soon discovered, and he asked her what she remembered.

Then it dawned on her. She replied, "I remember a great deal of things of the past", hoping that her vague answer would answer the underlaying question of her husband as well as satiate the curiousity of others.
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Postby jadewik » May 13th, 2008, 10:59 pm

Curulan regards his wife with caution, something he usually doesn't do. For a brief moment, Curulan is tempted to reach back into her mind to see exactly what she now knows, but resists. The last image of her assault and return to Titan disturbs him. It fits with what he learned from Garric and decides that events must now take a different course.

Curulan turns to Aman and Gakhan and addresses them.

"I'm sorry, but I must discuss this with Ebon alone. I will give you answers when the time is right. Aman, you can just leave the books on the table; I won't need them just yet. Thank you, honestly."

Curulan also sends them a telepathic message, shielded from anyone else who might be "listening". Given the events that are about to unfold, you two should remember that I trust you absolutely. I will have need of both of you to fill roles in the near future, and I hope that you will not betray that trust.

Curulan dismisses the pair politely, then turns to where Tordek stands hidden, looking invisible bard right in the eyes. He speaks to him with only telepathy.

As for you, you will have role to play. Beware the gift that comes unseen. There has been bad blood between us, but the time will come when you will need my help.

Once the trio of rouges (and assassin) left the room, Curulan turns back to Ebon.

"Well, I think it's time we get a change of scenery for you. How about I answer your questions, say, down in the Tavern?"
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Postby jadewik » May 13th, 2008, 10:59 pm

As curu speaks to him he nods, knowing full well that the general usually has good reason for his actions.

As he receives the telepathy Gakhan nods and turns, stepping into the shadows and disappearing for a place unknown to the others.

As he leaves the link with curu has another message sent.

"Contact me through this link, i will be very difficult to find by other means"
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Postby jadewik » May 13th, 2008, 11:00 pm

Offering but a simple nod to Curulan, Aman bowed himself from the room. Though his curiousity was almost begging him to stay, he would respect his friend's wish, and knew also that he would likely be of little help the way things stood presently.

"You know where to find me, should you need to," Aman says as he slips out the door and heads off to his quarters.
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Postby jadewik » May 13th, 2008, 11:00 pm

Ebon-Ashe couldn't have suggested a better place to talk. She needed a drink. A nice, strong drink of red wine laced with arsenic. She smiled and wondered if Curulan would let her lace the drink.

"My dear, aren't you just full of bright ideas tonight!" -- she'd be closer to ale and now, she knew even more about her husband than he'd ever dared tell her before!

Pocketing the potion curu had handed her earlier, she exteneded her hand towards Curulan.

"Shall we, my sweetling?"


As they walked towards the tavern, Ebon-Ashe wondered if it were prudent to mention anything she'd learned about Curulan -- his strength, The Guardians, and some daunting task-- while they were linked to one another. She decided it was a subject better left to him to bring up.
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