Ryandh's Character Sheet

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Ryandh's Character Sheet

Postby James » January 14th, 2007, 12:10 am

Common Name:
Ryandh (ree-ahnd)

Full Title and Rank:
High Priestess and Incarnation of the goddess Illynthra (ill-lyn-thrah)

High Elf

Magical Alignment:
Light (Note: this is not "Holy," it is "light" as in illumination)

Military Division/Rank:

Character Overview:
Ryandh is the incarnated form of a goddess of light, Illynthra. Illynthra commonly incarnates herself into children by the age of three to decide who the new high priestess of her clergy is, separated by five years after the previous incarnation passes on. As such, Ryandh is the most spiritual and enlightened Lynthrite (a follower of Illynthra), and is blessed with greater magics dealing with the creation and manipulation of light.

Divine Magic- Healing spells are a normality for clerics and priestesses. However, Ryandh worships a lesser deity of light, who, although a lesser deity, is still very powerful. Many light based spells are at Ryandh's hands, such as "Sunflare" that causes a light that shines as bright as the sun to explode from her hand, directed to wherever she points her palm. Thanks to her incarnate form Ryandh is capable of directing light, so if an ally gets in the way of her spells she can shield them by manipulating the light to not affect them in any negative way.
Other spells:
Beam- A concentrated ray of light is summoned and condensed to the size of a feather's spine. The heat is like the sun's light through a magnifying glass, and the damage it can do changes based upon the level Ryandh's incarnate form chooses.
Sphere of Light- Light is condensed into the form of a sphere that floats above her palm. The strength is affected by what Ryandh wishes, and based upon the amount of light held within the sphere, it can distribute heat. A story below will reveal the origin of this spell, as it is a new one to the Lynthrites as of the newest incarnation.
Eyes of Brightness- The eyes of a person are transformed into yellow spheres. This does not get rid of a person's eyes. Instead, the spell causes a person to view whatever they see as if there was a daylight-strength light source coming from above their head.
Bright Body- Casting this spell causes Ryandh's entire body to become infused with light, creating neat patterns in the air as she slices through mortal opponents with no defense against magic using the lightning fast strikes of the Illyt (eel-it) martial arts. This spell essentially transforms Ryandh's entire body into a weapon.

There are many more light spells created and used by Lynthrites.

Ryandh is versed in the ways of Illyt.
Lythrites are well known in their homeland for the lightning quick reflexes and speed granted by practicing Illyt. All practicioners exercise and expand their learning of the art at dusk every day. Normally, the High Priestess performs a show every day at this time, free of charge, to those who wish to see the art of light combined with the Bright Body spell, always because those who use the spell are unable to control the damage the light can cause to the ground they perform upon.

Ryandh has the ability of leadership thanks to the piece of her goddess inside. Her presence generally gives an intangible "shine" to her followers' eyes, keeping them generally happy.

Ryandh has always been short for a high elf; she is roughly 5 and a half feet tall. If someone judge her race by only her height, they would guess she was a half elf, or a wood elf. Fortunately, her radiant raven hair and smooth, creamy complexion reveal otherwise. Her slanted eyes and ears are both marked with the look of royalty and her petite nose almost gives her the look of a child. Ryandh's rose pink lips extend a smile that is as bright as the stars in the sky. With the generally slim but curving structure typical to that of a high elf, Ryandh is certainly a maiden worthy of song.

Ryandh was blessed to become the next High Priestess of the Lynthrites at the age of three. Before then she had lived a peaceful life normal to that of a young elf, the life of a babe about to be pushed into the real world. On her birthday, her body was infused with the Bright Body spell, as had every previous high priestess. As she grew in intelligence, intellect and maturity, Ryandh became a skilled practicioner of the divine and martial arts of her clergy. She surpassed all her elders one day, and her training as the High Priestess was complete.

She was 13. In ten short years, Ryandh shocked everyone by being the most brilliant High Priestess in training throughout the history of the small High Elf culture. She mastered everything her mentors had to teach her; the lessons she needed about life, the divine magic given to her by Illynthra, and her Illyt. At 13 years old, Ryandh took up the robes of High Priestess and led her clergy in daily service to Illynthra, set up the daily Illyt rituals at dusk and put together the studies for the Lynthrites every day. She healed the sick, she gave shelter to the poor, and her temple, however quaint, regained its illumination granted by the High Priestess' existance.

Living in eternal servitude to herself and others, Ryandh went about her traditional life, an intelligent, moral, disciplined and happy person.

Darkness disdains light. On her 100th birthday, the High Priestess is required to leave the village for 20 years for a pilgrimage accross the lands. Ryandh left on this journey and enlightened many she came across, changed evil into good and helped brighten the countryside. Before her journey was over, a clairvoyant seizure overtook her, revealing to her the undead army ravaging her home. When she finally returned, the entirety of her people existed as much as they did in her vision. Bones littered the wasted landscape, and there was next to no existance of the ruined homes of her village. Drained of soul, Ryandh left her village silently, cursing the forces of darkness and swearing the defeat of evil.

As she traveled the world, the belief in Illynthra expanded slowly, given to those who she met personally and favored. Short months were spent giving the teachings of Illynthra to these individuals, who in turn, she hoped, would spread the religion to others.

Illynthra's wrath upon evil through Ryandh ravaged evil's hold upon men. Though she rarely attacked other living beings for being evil, many undead returned to the grave by her hands and magic.

While she was at the age of 211, Ryandh met with Argus, the traveling mage, and together they vanquished an evil vampire that had killed hundreds of people, whose blood ran freely throughout his domain's halls.

Now, Ryandh is at the middle age of 243 years and has come across the lands of Titan hoping to find those who can be enlightened by Illynthra.

Whenever Ryandh is near something reflective, she always stops to look. Her entire life she has found it odd that she was the High Priestess of light and yet her hair was as black as the night.

Ryandh tends to be generous. Whenever she finds herself in possession of an excess of money the priestess sets finding a possible disciple as her number one priority and stays with them for a month, giving whoever she stays with all of her money.

When desperate for money Ryandh performs her daily ritual at dusk, but instead of just thanking everyone for watching she also asks that if they would care to make any donations for the show so she may live and continue in her devout life.

If attacked, Ryandh never defends herself using Illyt. It is forbidden by Illynthra to fight for ones self using her fighting style. However, if Ryandh was intending to attack the person she is attacked by she never hesitates to swiftly land a series of fatal blows.

For some odd reason Ryandh is afraid of her dagger. She believes it possessed and fears that if she relinquished it then the dagger would float through the air days later and stab her in the heart.

Properties of Choice:
Ryandh almost always wears her garments of faith given to her on her 13th birthday by her parents. Though the robe is but cloth, it is made of a highly durable material that stays in pristine condition as time advances. Though it still gets dirty, its condition does not degrade as it does, nor does it degrade when washed. It offers no protection against weapon or magic.

Attached to her belt of cloth Ryandh wears a small sheathe for her dagger, and in the sheathe is the dagger itself. The dagger is nothing special; it is made of hardened steel and the blade is perfectly balanced for either fighting or throwing.

Ryandh has created roughly 3 followers on her own each year. This means that since she began this process at the age of 117 she has directly created 378 followers, many of the original whom have probably died. There are probably a rough count of 1,000 followers of Illynthra alive today, all of whom range in age from child to elder.

Outside of her followers, Ryandh has had few friends. Though she is always outgoing and friendly, Ryandh's constantly nomadic ways have forced her to give up on keeping these friends. One of the most important of these friends is Argus, the Traveling Mage, who is still technically alive today because of his undeath. She is unaware of this, expecting him to have died by now.
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