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My first SAC!

PostPosted: June 20th, 2007, 12:43 pm
by Huaying
After weeks of questing in Azteca (it was quite a torture), I finally found my second silver (the first one was a 65a Silver RTW)! :)

The question is, should I ES it and use it for myself, or should I sell it and get some upgrades? :P


PostPosted: June 20th, 2007, 8:53 pm
by Cheshire
First impression would to suggest you get upgrades ( i haven't ran numbers through)

If i was to bid and assuming the numbers came out correctly...

DSJ 184d
CSB 54d
Shurk 51d


DSJ 176d
SAC upgrade of some sort
shurk 51a

Those would be my starting point for a bid

PostPosted: June 20th, 2007, 10:11 pm
by Kamerheimer
I would say sell as well. You can probably get a full suit upgrade minus the spikey as that is already a quite high one. If you do plan on selling say something as I might put in a bid.