Hey ya'll this is Slicky. I'm finally back from an extended abscence. Its crazy how that thing called work tends to kick in. Of course college and a lovely but time-grubbing girlfriend.
DC Char: Slicky Level 20
I have
H - 20d 16s B,L,G
B - 1a 40d 24s B,L
F - 12a 14d 18s
RL: 29a 29d 29s B,L,BST,
I love the blast on my staff, but I need something stronger. A silver tail whip with blast would be awesome, or whatever someone could spare.
DC Char: Slicky3 Level 18
H - 19d -4s G
B - 26d 12s B,L
F - 5a 5d 6s
RL - 69a 12s
All My stuff royally sucks on this char. I cant even go to the mountains without getting powned. Dunjeons are just bearable right now, but I cant find any good gear. Its ridiculous. I just go to the court all day and hope to win a good gamble. LOL
Anyways, If someone could help me I would be very grateful.
Thank you for your generosity.