Rules of Role Playing

"Character sheets" should use the outline found at
Until the official rules are complete, please use the following guidelines:
Until the official rules are complete, please use the following guidelines:
- No character actions of another character cannot be done without the permission of the owner of the character in question.
- Any possible long strings of one story should be done through email then in one big post. This is to alleviate problems of 2, 3, or 4 pages of just short line story responses.
- Make sure you identify whether you are In Character (IC) or Out of Character (OOC), especially if you are not participating in the story, also when posting fully (OOC) comments please do not attach your signature.
- Open RPs are welcome. They don't have to be done through email because anyone can join.
- Refrain from improper language unless it is a necessity or part of an In Character monologue.
- Do not "correct" other people's posts. People may give wrong information intentionally or unintentionally, especially in dialogue. This can happen for many reasons, even as simple as a character being misinformed. If you see something another player has posted that you think be an error, please contact them privately, rather than disrupting the flow of the RP with OOC remarks.