Joe vs the invisible swordsman

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Joe vs the invisible swordsman

Postby Joe » July 7th, 2006, 2:09 am

the following few posts are copied from the original eboard rp. I figured it'd be easier to just finish the rp here. sorry for the huge pages. i tried to keep the original integrity in tact.

Joe carried two swords with him into the forrest, his ancient chinese longsword, and a rapier he borrowed from the armory. As he walked into the woods he began his meditation, focusing all his chi into the training he was about to begin. Anything to get these dreams from his head.

As he approached the clearing that was his destination, he released the rapier into the air, and it began to hover in mid-air on its own. Floating to the opposite end of the clearing, it turns to point at Joe as he draws his blade.

Blades clashed as Joe and the sword met in the middle. This type of training was intense for him, both physically and mentally as he focused his energy to control both swords at once. Joe pushed himself harder though, every day practicing more, forcing himself to the next level. Soon though, sweat was pooring off his bare back, and as Joe knocked the invisible sword back, he relaxed, letting his magic stop. Except it didn't.

The sword continued to bob in mid air, as if an invisible hand controled it, but now it wasn't Joe's. Suddenly off his guard Joe had to figt for his life to deflect the blows. The sword no longer acted as it did when Joe controlled it, as if controlled by a man, but it jumped up high, came down from all angles, forcing Joe to fight harder and harder. And the magic, it was still flowing through him, though he no longer controlled it.... the stone Joe reached into his pocket to grab it.

"Argh!" It managed to cut his left arm before he could deflect it, knocking the stone from his grasp.

The Blows came faster and faster, wearing on Joe until his concentration was nearly broken and his body could take no more. He passed out.

As he fell to the ground, the dragon tattoo on his back roared to life, melting the sword with a sudden burst of flames, then ,turned to the stone that had fallen, swallowing it whole, then it returned to his back, but now, its eyes glowed a faint red.

She had loved days like this, pleasantly warm, not humid, and the air smelled of the randomly blooming wildflowers scattered around the woodsy landscape. Today was perfect for a journey to restock her collection of wild herbs that she used in some of the potions she made. She really had plenty for a while but it was a good excuse to go and be out in the sun.

As she crested a small hill, she had seen someone that made her heart beat fast...Joe...she did not know what it was about the arrogant man, but she took a fancy to him. She was frozen in place when she had witnessed what was going on.. She was unsure if it was just Joe pushing his physical and magical abilities to the max, or if there was really a problem until she saw his dragon....

Gasping in fear, she dropped her collecting pouch and ran as fast as she could toward him..all she saw was his limp body laying on the ground, and she had to help him. When she reached him, she knelt beside him and flipped him over to see blood on his face coming out of numerous cuts, along with a deep slice on his arm. In a desperate need to help the one that fascinated her, Safarah tore a length of her skirt and wrapped it around the wound on his arm and fastened it as tightly as she could. Joe was still unconsious, but let out a slight groan from the pain of the tightening makeshift bandage.

As she looked around a flask on the ground caught her eye. Desperately, she hoped it contained water instead of some sort of whiskey. She opened the flask, and stuck her finger into the flask to taste the contents, she was relieved to find that it contained fresh water, however it was a bit warm from being in the sun, however it would do.

Without the stock of herbs and potions to assist her in healing, she did the best she could with the minimal supplies. She had seen some wild mint next to her and knew she could use it. After she picked a handful of the aromatic herb she crushed them up and placed them in a left over piece of her torn skirt. She then poured some of the water over the rag and squeezed it a few times to work in the mint. Safarah knew the mint would give a cooling and soothing effect to the skin wherever it touched, and would aid to slow any bleeding.

As she placed the rag on his head and neck, she saw him start to stir a bit. She felt her heart return to a normal beat as she sighed deeply in relief... This was a good sign he would be coming around soon..

He was sitting in a small house overlooking the mountains. China? He was home... As much of a home he'd ever had, with Lin those 5 years... There was a gentle rain falling outside and a cool breeze coming in through the window. Hot tea sat in front of him at the table. He sipped it to warm the sudden chill he felt from a gust of wind. "Something bad has happened my love," her voice from behind him was soft and sad. Joe turned to see her there, Lin, the only woman he'd truly loved, standing in the doorway, looking exactly like she had when he'd left, four years ago now. She continued talking as she walked over and sat across the table from him, "Some sort of bad magic tried to take control of you. I'm not sure what or why, but I have sensed a link to you and what's been controling you. It is across the continent you are on, near the ocean," and with that, she turned and pointed out the window, which swirled like smoke and water into the image of a sharply peaked castle on a cliff, overlooking a violent sea. As she turned back to him, he tried to speak, had so many questions for her, but all he could say was, "Lin." "I'm sorry I can give you no other information than that, as you may have already found out, the tatoo I put on your back is magical. It is all of my magic. I gave it to you to keep you safe on your quest. You're sometimes too confident for your own good." She gave a small smile, looking down at the table. She looked back up, "I believe that stopping this force, whatever it is, is the last of my power. I may only succeed in keeping it in check, but I can do no more to protect you. ... I love you." And with that, she began to fade, as did the house and the table. Joe still couldn't quite speak, but started to smell the strange aroma of mint.

Everything went dark, and then, Joe opened his eyes to see Safarah kneeling over him with a concerned look on her face.

"Come on Joe.... wake up...the gods are not ready for you yet. Where's that tough arrogant fighter I have grown to admire, now open your eyes."

She sat and swabbed his head with the rag, trying her best to care for her near death stricken friend. As she leaned over again to wipe his head, she saw him open his eyes. The whites were no longer white, they were red, filled with his blood from injury.

"Shhhh dont talk, save your energy. When you have rested more, you can speak, but for now, here, drink this. I am sorry it's warm, but it is all I have."

Safarah handed him the flask and tilted his head up enough for him to drink from it without choking. She had hoped he would be strong enough to walk before nightfall, for she had heard about these parts of the woods after dark, and she did not come prepared to fend off the likes of vampyres, dark necromancers, and orcs let alone all the other negative beings. She looked down at him as he was unconcious again....

"Well my dear friend, it seems you have yet again found trouble, or hence it has found you"......

.::Agustus was walking about questing for the sake of getting away from the pressures of being head of recruiting. Gus wanted some fun, excitement so he ventured into the woods to kill a few badies and maybe find a few trinkets to please both his eyes and his wallet. he left most of the work to his lowly assistant... Joe::.
"ill just leave all the work to him, nothin to worry about.hehe so happy i got him under me or else i would be so deep in work i would probably just start making negative clan ads..."
.::Just as he was walking through his usual route through the woods, he heard some rustling nearby.
*Gus pulls out his sword and shoulders his bow*
"Its Hero time...
.::Gus crouches and sneaks through the bushes and stalks his prey... hoping to find bandits or possibly an orch with a bag of stolen gold. As he reaches the clearing he sees to figures one of a woman tending to a injured man... Gus puts back his sword and approaches with caution.
"hmm these bandits get clever and clever.... just incase...
*Gus knocks his heal to the ground to open his boot up with the hidden dagger*
.::Approaching calmly Gus notices that the man laying is his assistant...

"JOE!!! What the hell!!! Wha...
*Pulls out his sword*
"What happened here?!?
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Postby Joe » July 7th, 2006, 2:11 am

Opening his eyes once again, Joe saw Gus standing over him with his sword drawn. He tried to lift his arm to tell him it was ok, the danger had passed, but had to drop it before any real gesture was made. He couldn't use magic to heal himself, the strain of any more going through him would probably kill him before it helped. ... He didn't even know if he could use magic at all now. That stone was all that allowed him to use it, and he didn't know what had happened to it. Lin, or at least her magic, said she was keeping it in check? Joe struggled to speak, to try to calm Gus down a bit, "It's," he croaked, realizing he still needed more water. "O-k" he finally got out. The danger had passed, for now, and he would heal from this he knew, that was just a matter of time. But as soon as he regained strength enough, he would have to recount what had happened to his friends, and hopefully ask for their help in defeating this evil force. For now though, he would rest, glad that Gus was here to watch out for any other harm until he could move again.

"WHAT THE!!!!!"

Safarah was taken by suprise by the man that snuck up behind them like a cat. Without even realizing it, she had moved backwards into a crouching position and had her hand on her dagger. Before she had a chance to speak, Joe had motioned to the man in a feeble but friendly gesture. At that point, she knew he was a friend, so she returned to Joe's side and fed him more water.

"Please forgive me, for I was caught off guard. My names Safarah of clan Bloodfin. I was out collecting herbs and saw my friend training. Funny though... It seemed as the weapon took a life of its own and tried to kill him. The another funny thing, the dragon on his back came to life and did something to the sword, then disappeared. I ran to joe, and have been trying to aid him since.... Have you ever heard of something like this?"

Safarah looked up at the man in a confused manor hoping for some sort of sence to be made of this.

*Sheaths sword*
.::Gus walks over to Joe and kneals at his side. He pulls at his pack and takes out a few medical supplies for just such emergencies. He takes a look at the makeshift bandages and complements the work.::.
"I am afraid i have not seen such a thing done before... though i have seen many train themselves to near death i have not seen this type of magic."
.::He grabs a flask and a rag from the medicine pouch. The flask is an anticeptic to prevent infections, and doubles for a strong liquor, Gus pours some of it onto the rag and swabs some of the abrations on the skin::.
"well i guess we will have to wait till my assistant comes back... Sorry i haven't introduced myself, I am Agustus, Gus for short, I am his boss over back at Titan. Safarah from Bloodfin, Correct? well its nice to meet you, i must thank you for caring for him. Bloodfin, a good place, ive been there once or twice on ambassadorial missions. i must go there again someday."
*Gus smiles yet apparently full of concern for his friend*

*Tharris had been out walking through the town and visiting neighboring clans just enjoying his time off and relaxing in general, but the one thing he couldn't help was to stop by the armory occasionally and see how things were going. It was one such visit he had planned for today, stopping by making sure everything was still running well and there weren't any problems. Looking for his friend Joe he asked one of the helpers and they said he had borrowed a rapier to go into the forest and practice. Tharris thinking he could use some practice himself decided to go find him and join in the self imposed training.*

*Leaving town He asked a guard which way they had seen Joe go from town. Tharris began jogging in that direction looking for signs of passage and not having much difficulty finding them. Tharris followed the tracks and went on his way to find and train with Joe, he had been walking for some time along the trail when he heard off in the distance some violent clashing of steel on steel. "He must have brought someone out to practice against." Tharris picked up the pace not wanting to be left out of the sparring match, besides a 3 way free for all sounded kinda fun right now.*

*Tharris was running now and he could some things going on but couldnt see anything. He didn't think much of it until he crested the hill and could see what was going on. He still couldn't quite make out who was there but he saw one person laying on the ground obviously wounded another tending to his wounds and another standing over the man with his sword drawn, but not making offensive actions.*

"Training must have gotten a bit out of hand." Tharris thought to himself while he ran down to see if he could help. As he got closer he recognized the figures as Joe on the ground, Saf tending his wounds, and Gus standing over them with a sword. When he arrived he pulled out his healing kit and set it on the ground next to Saf, "Here this should help..." then looking at Gus he asked "What happened here?" Making a general motion towards Joe.


"Tharris.. you have no idea how happy I am to see you right now. Not that Gus here has not been kind, but I am far from my own lands and at bit at an disadvantage. I cant explain to well what happened, but I was gathering herbs for my stock, and I apparently didnt realize how far I had gotten from Bloodfin. Well anyway, I was gathering the herbs and I saw..... or ummm... rather noticed joe here in a training session.. I didnt want to disturb so I stayed back where he wouldn't notice...or ummm where I wouldnt bother him and break his concentration. He does train very hard you know.. He gets all sweaty and ....."

Safarah did not realize that she was rambling until Tharris chuckled at her. She blushed and attempted to cover up for her mistake.

"Sorry, I am just a bit shaken from what I saw....Anyway, it was like a new kind of magic. His sword had a life of its own, and sparred like a well oiled machine... All of a sudden Joe had stopped and stood there for a moment, then he'd fallen to the ground, and a dragon came out of his back and swallowed the sword that he was fighting. I have seen and used alot of different and strong magik, but I have never seen anything like this... Anyway, I ran over here to his side and have been trying to tend to him. Then your friend here Gus had come along and made me jump just about out of my skin. Then you came along."

She didnt realize how worked up she had gotten over this, and it startled her. She hadn't cared about someone in a long time. She had always been a lone soul and never felt the need for others to be around.

As she looked between Joe, Gus, and Tharris, she knew there wasnt anything else she could say. She decided to go and take a breather...

"Would you two tend to him for a few minutes, I want to take a break. Perhaps when I come back we might discuss trying to move him back to titan. There are better medical means there..."

She got up and took a short stroll away from where they were. As she was approaching the downward slope to the hill they were atop, she froze in fear at the site she saw. Orcs... 2 very large ones, and they appeared to be hunting. She forced her legs to move and ran back to the 2 men and the injured Joe..

"ORCS!!!!...TWO OF THEM!!!....BIG ONES!!!!!......COMING UP THE HILL!!!! "

*Walking through the forest, zip was way back to Titan to hear new news, see friends back at the tavern, and check in on a few things. Her home was still glowing bright, so to say, and visiting it had left her with a wondrous smile, feeling as if she woke up on the best side of bed. Everything had been going well so far this day, she had a good meal for breakfast, rested well, and was just ready to go out and laugh. The day was going to be perfect.*

*Now though, she was a bit hungry again though the walk wasn’t taking much of her strength. She had been taking her time, watching random things and seeing beauty in others. She even found a mushroom that would make a nice snack if boiled later; it was safe in the pouch on her hip for now. A smile bloomed on her face when something caught her eye, a small plant about two feet high.*

*its leaves were round and crenate, and by the small white flowers she knew she found the right plant. Right there, a one of its fruits was ripe too. How could her day get any better? She quickly knelt down to pluck the strawberry, overjoyed that she would get one. In the wild, they were so rare, mainly because animals sniffed them out before they’d even begin to redden for their wondrous taste.*

*Just as she was about to pop it in her mouth and melt in its flavor, something else behind her caught her attention. She quickly spun around only to see a couple orcs moving through the forest. One of them spotted her, and she froze as the strawberry fell to the ground. She wondered what to do, but her mind quickly ran back to her training were it to approach. For now, she stayed still, hoping that whatever the other orc saw would have them both move away from her. She wanted to scream.*

.::Gus Stood up and packed his medical pouch back in his pack. Tharris had just arrived and began to tend to joe, Gus walked a bit off to calm himself and to prepare for anything. Safarah had just wandered off and came back with a fear stricken face. Aparently she had seen Orcs headed this way, which Gus had found odd since there had been no orc sightings in this part of the forest for quite sometime. Gus thought for a few seconds, he could change to a horse and carry both safarah and Joe back to town, but he would have to leave tharris behind to follow, or he and tharris would go out to fight the two brutes.::.
Last edited by Joe on July 7th, 2006, 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Joe » July 7th, 2006, 2:12 am

*Gus walks toward Tharris and taps him on the shoulder*
"So, what do you think we should do? i could take these two back to town, but leave you behind, or both of us can go and take these two orc on our own."
*Gus puts his hand on the hilt of his blade and waits for a quick answer*

Tharris drew both scimitars out as he told Gus "You take them back, I think I can deal with these two myself," then quickly turned and rushed back to the top of the hill.

The two orcs had yet to notice him. If he was careful enough he could keep the element of surprise and this battle would be finished before it started.

Then, quickly scanning the perimeter for the best ambush spot, he noticed zip... and they were moving right toward her. He'd have to give up the element of surprise after all.

Tharris broke into a sprint down the hill, making as much noise as possible to bring the orc's attention to him, and off of zip.

Well, it could still be fun...

As Tharris rushed off to fight, and Saf and Gus prepared to take Joe back, he slipped out of lucidity again. ...

And found himself staring at the same castle he had seen earlier outside of Lin's window. He was much closer to it this time though, less than a hundred meters from the large front door. He looked around himself to see that he was not standing, but suspended in mid air, and then, as if some unkown force was guiding him, pulling him, he went hurdling through the air towards the front door. He raised his arms and closed his eyes to brace for the impact, which didn't come. He opened his eyes again to find himself inside the castle now, in some sort of entryway or great hall, still floating high above the floor. This time the pull on him was gentler, as he went gliding through the castle, taking in all he could as he went. It was dark, erie, and everything looked to be almost a monochromatic blue-grey other than the few small torches randomly lit among the hallways. Suits of hideous looking armor dotted the hallways as well, looking to be more deserving on an orc than a human. Joe began to wonder where he was being pulled to as he floated among the ceilings of the hallways. Suddenly he felt a sharp tug though, and went straight up, through the ceiling, and into the second story of the place. Here the color was richer... more fire, he thought as he reoriented himself from the sudden movement. And looking around, he was right, a large fireplace burned along one side of the wall, casting its warm light out into the room. As he turned from that he saw, on the opposite end, an old looking man with his back turned to Joe hunched over some sort of desk. In front of the man looked to be some sort of mirror, but instead of his reflection, he was peering into something else. From this distance Joe couldn't quite make it out ... three or four people ... then he recognized one of them, it was him, laying unconscious with Safarah and Gus standing around him. Then Joe saw something that amazed him. The dragon that normally frequented his back seemed to appear from nowhere moving straight toward the glass. It opened its mouth and fire shot out filing the view of the lookinglass completely. The old man knocked his chair back as he quickly stood up, blocking Joe's view of what happened next. He leaned forward agin, putting his hands on the table, examining more closely whatever was happening, then suddenly stood up straight again and turned, looking up towards Joe, only through him as if he could not see him. At that moment Joe was pulled backwards with a force harder than any that had propelled him before, blurring his vision until it went black. But not before he got a good look at the man who had been watching him, and saw the smoky and cracked lookinglass sitting on the table behind him.

Safarah did all she could to catch her breath, her chest felt like someone was sitting on it, as she had never ran so fast and hard. She was not concerned with the orcs, as she knew she herself could take one on with ease, but she knew the men would handle it.

As she turned to watch the barbaric orcs meet their final sad destiny, she gasped in horror as she saw a tiny feminine figure being closed in upon by these rancid creatures. Her heart fell to the pitt of her stomach, she knew this woman, it was Zip. A peaceful fruit loving soul that she had met a few times at the tavern at titan. There was no way these orcs were going to harm her, not if Safarah had anything to do with it. Before she realized it, she had left Gus and Joe and was already in a full sprint towards Zip...and the closing orcs.

She didn't even get halfway to Zip when she saw the orcs change direction, and move towards Tharris. He was obviously distracting the big dummies from the apparently scared and shocked Zip. Safarah took that moment to run to her friends side, and shake her out of her obvious shock, and to pull her to safety.

"Zip...Listen to me... we have to run up the hill over there, I have a friend there that will not hurt you. You will be safe now lets go...NOW!!!!"

.::Gus was preparing for his polymorphing technique to carry both Safarah and Joe back to Titan Land where Joe would get medical treatment, when he noticed that Safarah had ran down the hill. Gus cursed rather loudly as his concentration was broken at the sight. He noticed Safarah clutch a woman, it was zipcat. He was going to run after the both of them to get away but yet if he did so he would have left Joe defenseless, so he sat with his Bow drawn and ready to fire. He pulled back on the bow and let fly an arrow which struck one of the beasts in the arm not taking much damage do to its strong skin yet a wound none the less. Gus drew another arrow and started shooting the beast to further hinder it.::
Last edited by Joe on July 7th, 2006, 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Joe » July 7th, 2006, 2:13 am

"Foul beast How dare you enter this territory, I shall send you to the very pits of Hell."

*Pulls an arrow from his quiver and draws back his bow to let it fly*
.:: The arrow finds its mark and hits again the wounded arm of the. Gus sat and waited for both Safarah and zipcat to arrive all while he made the Orc rage more from the pain of his arrows.::.

*The thump of the strawberry hitting the matted, leafy ground and the snorts of the monsters was the only sounds getting through to zip. Everything else had faded, but what bit she saw seamed to move slowly as the orcs idly stepped closer. Panic stopped her breathing, and even her heart felt to be still in her chest. It could possibly be, as the vines that sprouted from her back, becoming her dress, would cycle the elements in her blood. At that moment, there seamed to be nothing she could do.*

*The big monsters would surely kill her. She had read about them once, in a book on some shelf in… some place. She couldn’t seam to find a way to recall things through her panic. There were things she could do to save herself, she knew that, but she couldn’t remember them either. She was going to die. Maybe if she stayed still they’d go away…*

*She gave herself a mental slap, pulling herself together. She wasn’t going to give in so easily. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at her attackers. She noticed she drew a foot back up to braise herself, but didn’t know when she did. It didn’t matter, she had to protect herself. She could feel the warmth of her magic running through her, and almost instantly preparing itself for use. She now new how to use it again, but when she thought of how they may die the heat faded again. She couldn’t hurt those creatures.*

*It was in her defense though, and so she could bring herself to at least make a stone wall to try and block the creature. She had no idea what she had done wrong to make it attack her, and so not much of a right to say they weren’t justified in her capture. She wouldn’t let herself be taken for something she didn’t intend though, and with that thought her magic was back. She knew what to do, and what she was willing to do. Her glare had left to be replaced by a blank, yet still a bit stiff from fear expression.*

*Using her magic, she focused on the roots below the creature. One came up through the ground to lick the bare bottom of its foot. She was going to just trip him or her, tangle the creature, and flee. No harm would be done that way.*

*Then the beast turned, and everything in her vision was shaking. She lost the concentration on her mana. She thought she might be shaking so bad she couldn’t see straight. Then the yelling told her otherwise. Her sight cleared to see her friend, Safarah, right there. She didn’t hear all her friend said, but zip quickly jumped to her feet to run behind Safarah, feeling the wet pop of the berry below her bare foot when she took a rushed step.*

*Seeing surprise was definitely not an ally he could rely on in this particular encounter, Tharris continued crashing down the hill making as much noise as he could to draw attention away from Zip who appeared to be torn with some internal struggle of will. Both his scimitars drawn and waving wildly he charged down the hill towards the beasts, from the corner of his eye he saw Saf run up to Zip and begin and lead her back to where Gus and Joe were.*

"Good," He thought " i just have to prevent them from getting to one spot rather than 2."

*Then he saw an arrow thud into the arm and chest of one of the orcs, figureing to make the combat end quickly, Tharris moved in and slashed the leg of the orc that had been shot to prevent it from moving very fast making an easy target for whoever was, probably Gus, to take out and then he moved away to take on the uninjured orc and giving Them a clear shot while preventing this one from reaching the group. The orc was intent on making it past him and was counting on his brute strength to do so. Tharris dodged the frist swing and got a good slash in on the monsters gut causing it stoop and take a step back buying Tharris some time to re-evaluate the situation. Saf was taking Zip back around the combat over the hill to where Gus and Joe were. Gus was firing upon the other semi helpless orc while He, Tharris, was working this one. Wielding a battle axe and old ragedy leather armor that was too small for him probably scavenged off someone he "found" and a large shield, this orc trying awkwardly to dispatch this small "weak" elf. Tharris stood and waited for the coming onslaught of his attack when the monster swung he caught the blow just below the axe head with his scimitar and brought it down locking the head of the axe and the handle up with the blade of his left handed weapon. and slashed in with his other hand repeatedly causing several small wounds and gashing its arm causing the weapons to drop. The orc seeing himself in a bad position and his "partner" in a worse situation did what every orc would do; he turned to run, then the he jerked and grunted he turned around to face his adversary one last time with his one scimitar laying on the ground at his feet Tharris just looked on watching the events as they unfolded. The orc lunged at him, but everything seemed to be moving too fast for it and its head was swimming, and missed falling to the ground the elf was just standing there and watching which confused him why didn't he pick up his blade and finish him off. Then things started getting dim and his breathing was getting harder, he looked down and it all started making sense there sticking out of his chest was the tip of a scimitar when the orc had turned to run Tharris had ran him through catching his lung and a few other major organs he had dropped his off hand weapon to grip the sword with both hands making sure to thrust ALL the way through. Seeing the beast was basically finished he bent down and picked up his second blade off the ground and wiped it off on the beasts garments. sheathing that weapon he stepped over the orc and pulled his sword out of its back wiping it off as well he looked to see how Gus was fairing with the other one.

Last edited by Joe on July 7th, 2006, 2:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Joe » July 7th, 2006, 2:14 am

.::As Safarah and ZipCat ran back up hill, Gus watched as Tharris killed one of the Orcs. He kept a watch on the other making sure it did not interfere with this battle. As soon as Tharris was finished with the other, Gus made one final shot for the orc's head killing it instantly as the arrow pierced through one side of the skull, it entered the cranium just deep enough. Once this was over the Group gathered around Joe and began to carry him back to Titan for medical treatment.::.

"Zip are you ok?.. Geeze what are they doing out here so close to titan. They must be really hungry or something because rarely does one see orcs near titan."

As she let the adrenalin surge leave her body, Saf watches the men carry joe's beaten body slowly down the hill. She looks at Zip and walks beside her while rummaging through one of her pouches. *Ahhh there it was* she thought as she pulled out a small sack of wild raspberries. She usually kept fruit on hand for her ferret to eat, and luckily for her friend Zip, her Orc friend was taking care of him while she was away.

She smiled at Zip and handed her the pouch of fruit. Safarah really liked Zip as she was such an innocent soul.


Without a moments notice, Safarah tripped over a root coming out of the ground and proceeded to roll down the hill and come close to knocking herself out on a large rock sticking out of the ground. She sat up for a moment and gathered her thoughts and attempt to regain her composure. Grace was never one of her strong points.

"UUGH, I hate when I do that. One of these days I will learn how to properly walk without falling."

As she got up, she spit out a leaf that had made its way into her mouth durring the fall then looked over to noticed the others were having a difficult time hiding their laughter....

"Oh go ahead, i'm used to it."

*Walking beside Safarah, zip opened her mouth to respond, saying she was fine, but worry of why the strange creatures would be out so far took those words from her. She guessed they ate much more than any bear, or puma would need, that she was almost certain of. zip pulled on a smile, and nodded, showing that she would be fine. She idly swept a long lock of her brown hair over her shoulder while Safarah was busy searching through her assortment of pouches. While she brushed it back, her fingers ran over a spot on her neck confidentially. Her heart was beating again, that was a good sign.*

*Though she could live fine without it for days, having the warmth spread threw her was always comforting. Shy, she pulled her hand away; she knew she would be embarrassed if anyone noticed her doing such a thing. Having turned to run from the critters, the ones that might have attacked her for some reason only they thought righteous, zip didn’t see them get killed, though she knew they must have been. zip wondered if there was something that could be done to prevent the killing of these critters again. Wither it be preventing them from coming close to people or something… there had to be something. Safarah was right though, what would cause them to come?*

*zip knew her smile was gone, but when she looked back over to her friend, and saw what she held, she knew she was beaming again. She popped a nice, ripe raspberry in her mouth before tying the pouch with the other on her hip. As she turned back to Safarah to thank her, she saw her going down a hill. zip quickly went down after her, trying to help her stand. She smiled when she noticed her friend was ok, and spoke from behind Safarah.*

“There is no reason to laugh, but I’m glad you’re alright.” Her smile grew up her face, “Thank you for the fruit, I really appreciate it”

Joe awoke to find himself riding swiftly on a horse. He was sitting, mostly, being held by... a woman's arms wrapped around him, ensuring that he wouldn't fall off. He was still too weak to move his head much to see who it was. Probably Safarah, he guessed, considering the strength it would take to hold his dead wait in place. ... Though he was still weak and his head was throbbing, he surprised himself at his own clarity of thought. Then he remembered the dream... how did it fade so fast from memory? Lacking the ability to even move much at all, he decided to focus his mind to try to find the dream again... what happened?

Joe didn't know what happened next, whether he had fallen asleep again, or was just deep in meditation, he couldn't tell. But he did recognize where he was, hovering in mid air outside of the same castle, and then, just like before, being pulled in through the doors. This time he didn't close his eyes, instead, he just watched himself as he somehow passed through the door as if it wasn't there. This time though, upon reaching the inside, he was pulled in an oposite direction, and found himself going down a flight of stairs, in near total darkness, until finally, there was light up ahead, and he could see shadows dancing on the curve of the wall ahead of him and hear the clashing of weapons. As he rounded the turn, still suspended in mid-air, he found himself looking down on an expansive room, filled with orcs. They were well organized for orcs, separated into groups, and appeared to be training for war. He scanned the area quickly, noting their tactics as he was pulled over the crowd and towards the back of the room, where he went straight through another wall. Here he found himself inside another great room, but this one was filled with the same armor he had seen in the upper floors of the castles, and off to one side, was the same old man he had seen earlier as well. He was holding a staff and appeared to be casting some sort of enchantments on the armor, taking care to do each of them one by one. Suddenly though, he stopped, almost as if he was startled. He started to look around very carefully and seemed to be listenig intently as well. Then he turned, and this time, instead of looking through Joe, he looked him right in the eye. Joe's heart seemed to freeze, and then start again, beating much faster than before as he was hurdled back once again, his vision blurring from the speed, before he opened his eyes once more, and found himself laying in a bed with white linen sheets. He could feel bandages wrapped around his ribs, and another around his arm where he'd been cut, but his wounds... his body... he felt fine. He looked around to see who was in the room with him, so he could recount what he had seen to them, and hopefully ask for their help.

*Tharris had been keeping close tabs on Joe. Although he probably shouldn't Tharris always felt a bit of responsibility regarding the stragne man from the far away land of London. And an inherent curiosity because he had never been to or even heard of London. Tharris made sure that the people tending to Joe would let him know at the first sign of change.*
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Postby Joe » July 7th, 2006, 2:14 am

*It had been a few days since they got back things were fairly quiet. Tharris was in the Tavern enjoying a glass of water and a nice meal when someone came running in scanning the room they saw him and imediately began approaching. Tharris looked up to see one of the people that had been tending Joe.*

"He's waking up. Just thought you would like to know." She said.

*Tharris took one last bite of his meal and then washed it down with some water tossing a bit extra to the keep on his way out apologizing for the mess he ran to where Joe had been layed up. When Joe awoke and sat he seemed somewhat confused. understandable considering his ordeal which Tharris was still a bit fuzzy on, he made a mental note to ask for clarification as soon as he had the chance.*

"'Morning. How do you feel?" Tharris said to Joe when he saw him look at him.


.::Gus sat at his desk in The Palace thinking up new recruiting ads for Titan. How he longed for the carefree days of being an ambassador and wandering around clan to clan observing, yet he knew that Ambass was in good hands, least he thought that Ominous was a good person to pass the job to. As Gus sat writing a nurse came to his office with news of how Joe was doing, she had told him that it looked like he was ready to awaken. He stood up and gathered his papers and placed them in a vault for safe storage. He took his cloak from the rack and began to walk from the palace to the hospital where Joe was placed. Gus Passed the Tavern, he would usually go in for a quick drink but decided not to. He arrived at the hospital just after Tharris. Joe was already awake yet still looked somewhat out of mind. Gus entered in slowly as to not scare anyone... maybe a bit too quite....::.
*watches as Tharris Jerks a bit*
"oops... Sorry about that..... i see that Joe is now awake, i am glad....
*whipes forehead*

As she sat at the pub, Safarah sat with a blank stare on her face. She was in a daze like state, but was still fumbling with a bizarre stone she found laying in the dirt near joe when she had found him. She had not thought to much of it, and she picked it up to keep because she had never seen anything like it before and found it interresting. She was startled out of her daze when the bar keep placed a mug of moonshine kiss in front of her. She looked at the bar keep and gave a slight nod. It was apparent that her mind was not with her, and she was also tired from being at Joe's bedside all nite. She truly hoped he would recover fully.

"Bar keep, keep em coming, It's gonna be a long nite."

Safarah grabbed her mug and slowly walked over to the pub window and opened the shutters to look outside. She proped her arms up on the shoulder height window sill and took in a deep breath. It was a stormy night, the wind was howling, the rain was pouring sideways, and the thunder claps were neverending. With every flash of lightening, the pub shook like an army of orcs were running through. Safarah found it relaxing...though most would not.

*zip sat quietly off to the side, she had come to check on Joe a few times since they returned. Though she didn’t know him, she was still concerned. He was obviously a friend of Safarah, so he must be a nice guy. Having seen the worry and stress watching Joe had put on Safarah’s face, zip didn’t mind trying to help watch to relieve her of some of that. Reaching into the pouch on her hip, she found she was out of the berries Safarah had given her before. Luckily, she had another small sack with a few small handfuls of dried fruit, though she was nibbling on the last of it now.*

*Then when Joe’s body state changed, zip was quickly near his side but out of the way incase someone who could have helped him more needed to push through. She made sure she was close enough to hear, and had scooped up a cup of some hot tea she had prepared for if he was thirsty. It wasn’t very warm now… but it was something. zip knelt there ready to hand him the drink or listen to anything he’d need if he was to speak to her.*

As Joe looked around he saw his friends Tharris, Gus and Zip. Zip was offering him some warm tea that he gladly took. Then, seeing the questioning looks on their faces, he said, "Usually it should be the waking patient that has the questions; but I can see you have more than me. You see, when I first came to Titan, I fell through a portal from another world. It was a world where my magic was powerful, and I was known across the planet. But when I got here, all of my magic was gone, until I found a small red stone on an orc that I killed. I suppose I should have trusted someone more, but I didn't and I kept it to myself because, well because it gave me access to magic, not as much as I was used to, but it was magic in a strange new world for me. It's what allowed me to do the magic I was doing when I was attacked, before I found myself here, and before I had the dreams..." then he proceeded to tell them as much detail as he could remember about the dreams he had had since passing out in the woods.

After he finished explaining the dreams he continued, "I don't think these were mere dreams, I think somehow this man, he may be a wizard, and the stone I had," he paused wondering what had become of the stone, remembering how Lin had said she was fighting it now. "I believe it was connected to this wizard and now somehow I have been able to take advantage of it and see the other way. What I am saying is, I believe he was using it, and using me, to spy on Titan, but somehow, through Lin's tatoo magic, I have been able to fight it and see what he is doing, and I believe he intends us harm." He paused again to let all the information sink in to his friends before continuing at last, "I also think he knows that I have seen him, and I think our time is short. But right now, he hasn't made his move yet, which means we can make ours. I guess what I am saying is, will you help me? Will any of you take the risk and go with me? If we attack now, before he is ready, we will have the advantage, but I fear that anyone who has such grand plans to attack Titan and prepare, while we are a great clan...what arsenal must he have?" Of course this was not the only motivation for Joe. He wanted to stop the wizard, to kill him, so that Lin's magic would no longer have to fight, so that somehow, maybe, just maybe, he'd have the chance to talk to it, to her, one last time. He looked around at his friends one last time, awaiting an answer.

*With the rain pouring down, the wind blowing hard enough to make the rain fall sideways, and the thunder and lightning, you would have to be insane or an idiot to be outside. The half-orc approaching the tavern could be considered a bit of both.

The tavern door swings open and the wind and rain are heard against what appears to be a walking suit of armor until it steps foreward*

"Dis bar da open one where I drink and find people to 'venture with?"
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Postby Joe » July 7th, 2006, 2:15 am

*Stopping with the door still held open, Feng considers waiting for a response for a moment and then realizes the wind coming through the door may be the reason people are covering up and giving him funny looks. Stopping to close the door he turns and flashes a dumbstruck grin as he walks to the bar.*

"Sorry 'bout that. I used 'ta think everyone liked storms afore I come here. Buy a round for the house to say I'm sorry? I watch the storm by the window and drink nice if I'm ok by you guys"

*Feng gestures to the window that Safarah has been watching from and stops to consider the look on her face for a few moments before approaching to introduce himself, mustering the best speech he can to be polite and not scare away a potential new friend:*

"Hi miss! Is someting wrong I could 'elp with?"

The Moonshine kiss was starting to make her head a bit fuzzy. She knew that this particular drink did that to her, but she needed to release some tension somehow. As she took deep breaths in, it was obvious she was taking in the pure energy of the storm to revitalize her spirit, and being as she was a storm caller, it came naturally to her without effort.

She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she had not realized a rather large orc come in. That had worried her a bit because an orc is not an easy soul to miss, let alone the general vibe they give is not a good one. She had only met one orc she ever liked and they have since become inseperable, though krondore was hardly the average orc.

Safarah noticed the orc take a few steps toward her with a toothy grin on his doofy face. She knew instantly that this orc was also different, and didnt feel the least amount of negative energy from him. She heard him mumble something and stand there with a bit of a over exadgerated grin..

"Me?..... Um oh, well thank you for the offer dear, I am just so tired. A good friend of mine was badly injured today and I have been worried waiting for him to recover so for a moment I was re energizing my spirit with the power of the storm, and playing with my new stone..."

She held up the amazing blue stone with the swirling center and smiled as she saw a grin come across the goofy orcs face.
She already knew with a deep confidence they were going to become friends.

"Come, let me buy you an orcish ale and tell me what brings you here. Oh and please, do tell me your name...."

*Feng was stunned by the blue stone he was shown, watching the swirling center and contemplating what would make something like that. Only coming back to the present upon being offered an ale.*

"I'm Feng. I 'eard sum orcs attacked people 'ere, and I hates them full orcs. I wanna 'elp smash 'em!"

*Turning back to the bar, Feng flashes the few remaning onlookers a toothy grin and asks for a second ale for himself and a drink for Safarah, leaving the coins to pay for the first round purchased for the house and the two drinks he now held. As he walked with Safarah he realized he had a few questions of his own.*

"Is yer friend ok? He wasen't 'urt by dem dirty orcs was he?"

*Feng stopped at the beginning of his next question, an odd look on his face showing consideration for his new companion at the bar.*

"Do you wanna go back an see yer friend? Maybe we talk on the way and I ask your name?"

*Feng continued to keep pace, drinking his ale and awaiting a reply.*

.::As Joe finished explaining about what happened in the forest along with his explanation of these strage dreams he had been having, Joe asked for help on a journey. Gus, alway ready for such a thing accepted his request. Being rather board being stuck in the palace writing ads and the lot was a dull job with little to no action.::
"Ofcourse you can have my help on this journey, though in return i ask that you work an extra hour on your job.*Sluggish Grin *

*zip gave Joe a light smile when he took the tea, glad that she could help with at least something. When he started to talk of his home world, zip’s mind drew back in thought for a brief moment. At least he remembered back then, she could never recall what happened before she came to Titan; at least not much or the memories that reached her through dreams, or rather nightmares. Though the thought was dear to her, she quickly put all her attention on everything Joe was saying, relieved that he was not feeling well enough to speak so much and sit up enough to drink. She wished she would have attempted to heal him, but with the magic that struck him down she worried what affects it may have had. She wasn’t very skilled at it anyways.*

*When he said that harm could come to Titan, she could feel a lump forming in her throat. Never did she want people to be hurt, and taking information secretly was wrong in its own way. Worry was all over her face, and when she realized eyes were on her to answer Joe’s question she nodded, forcing her voice to come back, “I’ll try to help, Joe.” She didn’t know much about fighting other than defense, but hopefully what training she had done in other lands would now help her, and all of Titan. Most of all she hoped she wouldn’t be in the way or a burden.*

*Tharris had been waiting in the corner of the room ever since the nurse had come and let him know that Joe was coming around. Genuine concern was showing on his face when he saw what looked like Joe struggling to maintain consciousness, and was grateful that people like Zip were around that had good bedside manner. Although he could have probably helped with the care taking he was much too rough for anything outside of battlefield triage.*

"...will you help me?..." Tharris listened to Joe's rendition of what had happened to him. and what he had seen. "...spy on Titan..." who would want t' "...attack Titan..." Tharris had heard enough.

"Wizard, huh? Wants to attack Titan? Wtih an army of orcs, no less." A smile appeared on His face as he said. "You are gonna need someone to watch your back when you get yourself into trouble. Count me in."

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Postby Joe » July 7th, 2006, 2:17 am

Joe smiled at his friends' eagerness to help. "Thank you," he said, "Though I wonder if there are any other we can employ before we set out." He tested his arm. "I do seem to be fully healed though and if we want to keep an element of surprise we should leave as soon as possible." He swung his feet around preparing to hop off the bed, but paused as he dangled his feet, looking at them in thought momentarily. "There is one other thing," he said looking back up, "does anyone know where this castle is?"

Safarah was trying her best to control her actions as she was obviously drunk. She had flashed her new half orc friend a crooked smile and tried to speak without slurring.

"Vi'm so sorry, ive drunk alot, and eaten notin. I guess those damn orcs really got to me. No fence to you. Hey!!! Wanna go see Joe wit me? I bet he'd like to meet ya. He's a bit rough on the outside but he's a relly good man."

Safarah had drank so much that she didnt even realize that Fenn had already offered to walk with her. It was a good idea as she was an easy target for a thief at that moment, and a big half orc was good protection.

As she looked outside, she decided on a whim to go. She didnt even wait to hear Fenns answer. This was due to her utter lack of an attention span. She got off the stool and had to catch herself as she almost fell over. She let out a deep sigh and stumbled and staggered towards the door, stopping only to swipe a piece of bread off of a dining patrons dinner plate.

She had heard some kind of profanity from the patron as she nearly fell out the pub door and out into the stormy weather. She had to stop for a moment and gather her confused thoughts.

"snow which way was da spospital?"

"Youse seem a bit stumbly miss. Maybe I should carry youse to see yer friend, might be a ways."

*Feng gestured to pick up his traveling companion and stopped himself in time to await a response, though he didn't think to right himself fully before asking a passerby on their way to the tavern for directions to the local healers.*

"I thinks it's a long walk maybe, dis storm seems to wanna keep us at da bar and youse had one too many already."

*Feng stopped to smile at his idea of a small joke and realized he was being left behind in the process.*

"Wait fer me! I can still carry youse till ya sober a bit if ya want, just warn me if youse 'spect to see any of yer drink come back while we walkin'"

*zip clasped her hands behind her back, twiddling her fingers together in thought. She didn’t know much about the lands of Dragon Court out of Titan, other than what little she had traveled. Even where she did go her mind was on other things than giant castles that never really caught her eye or concerned her. There was always a few plants to look into, and those of course were much more important for many reasons.*

*Looking up to Joe, she shook her head, responding when she was sure she wouldn’t interrupt anyone else. “I’m sorry Joe, but I don’t really know.” Bringing her hands back into sight, she gave a shrug.*

*Tharris searched his memory, he had been traveling the lands for decades and there wasn't much he hadn't seen while doing so. He remember vaguely a castle he had seen that resembled Joe's description, but the problem was he also remembered a story attached to the castle.*

"I've only seen one castle that was similar to the one you described. It was many days travel from here, possibly even a couple of weeks, at least by foot. The castle is in the mountains with its back being almost one with the sheer cliff face behind it. The sound of thunder is always able to be heard in the area due to the waves crashing into the rocks far below. The castle is the home of a very powerful and also very evil mage."

*Tharris paused in his story to look around the room and ensure that everyone there was listening. This was not a story he enjoyed telling often for it dealt with the one thing he utterly despised, betrayal. Sure he had everyones attention he continued...*

"A long time ago, some 100 or so years, there was a man who came to this world much like yourself," Tharris motioned to Joe as he sat down on a chair in the corner. "but he came on purpose, at least that was the story I got. He had been traveling for some time learning about the magics of this world and sharing the magics of his own, when he stumbled upon Titan. He stayed here for a while and even arose to great status among the leadership of the clan, when strange things started happening. It was discovered that the man had been dabbling in the dark arts, no crime or surprise there however it was what he was doing with the arts that gave cause for alarm. It was discovered that he had betrayed the leader on numerous occasions and for this he was exiled from the clan and the town. That is when he built the castle, or rather that is when he forced others to build the castle for him through his powerful means of enchantment."

*Tharris took a moment to reflect on what he had just said, seeming to run through the story in his head to determine it had been accurate.*

"He has been a hermit and noone has heard from him ever since, but everyone does keep a healthy distance from the castle. You say he has an army of orcs and means Titan harm? I'm not overly surprised." Tharris sighed, "I'll lead you there, just be sure you are prepared for what you are going to face."
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Postby Joe » July 7th, 2006, 2:18 am

.::Tharris began to tell the story of the castle, upon hearing that it was of a former friend Gus bowed his head and began to stare at his feet. He remembered this person, he remembered the betrayal. Gus shook his head and began to walk out of the room.::

"I am sorry, but if it is of him then i do not think i can take part of this journey.

.::Gus walks out of the room and leaves the building for a breath of fresh air.::

Saf found fenns offer to good. Her feet would not carry her in a straight line, and her speach sounded horrible even to her. All she could do was stop, pout and nod at her new friend.

"Ohhhh, look what Iv's done, I don wann my friend to see me like dis. I got a feeling he's got nuff pobwums yo deal with. Ohh I wanna see him dough. I'm soooooo sowee fang."

Then in a drunken moment, safarah decides to sit in the middle of the street and try to let the rain sober her up. But the next thing she knows, she's swooped up into large strong arms.

"Weeeeee, dis is fun!!!"

*Feng listened for a few moments before responding by picking up Safarah and walking along trying to hold a conversation while remembering directions.*

“All my ol’ mates calls me Shumpy, I never did know why though. Don’t be sorry, I gets you to yer buddy and you cheer right up I bet, just don’t go sittin in the street like dat, I got hit by a carriage dat way.”

*Feng went walking along with Safarah in his arms as if he had no clue he was even holding her off the ground. Though he made quite a few wrong turns and had to stop and ask for directions three more times, he finally found the building where the others had gathered.*

“I think dis is da place, it’s where dem guys back there said I should be goin. Les see if he’s ‘ere.”

*Feng sat Safarah gently on the ground, and searched his memory for a moment trying to remember the name she had for her friend, after a brief flash of inspiration Feng took a few steps back and cupped his hands to his mouth as he took a deep breath, the bellowing that followed could be heard over the storm for a few blocks clearly, and the sound carried enough to be misinterpreted for several hundred yards after that:*


*Feng walked back to Safarah and picked her back up while looking to see if he would get a response. He made sure she was comfortable before taking a single step. He was also completely oblivious to the barking of the startled dogs and profanities being yelled in his direction from formerly sleeping townsfolk.*

“I don’t know if dis is da place or not."

.:: After leaving the room, Gus walks down a flight or two of stairs and leaves the building for a quick breath of fresh air to calm his mind. He was just about to walk off the premesis when he hears “HEY! IS DIS DA PLACE WUT WHERE WE FIND DA HURT GUY JOE? ANYBODY HOME ‘ERE OR DID I HIT DA WRONG PLACE ‘GAIN?” He looks around and sees that an Orc is standing next to Safarah. Not one to judge, gus walks up to them and replies to the Orc.::

"Well hello there, you are looking for Joe? he is in that building so you are in the right place. Though i would like to recieve an answer as to who you are?"

.::Gus awaits a reply from the Orc.::

*As Tharris spoke of what he knew, zip’s curiosity filled her with questions. She wondered how magic could be evil. The word had always pulled questions into her mind. Understanding never came for how a person could be evil, though she believed that some things people do did go against her own morals. Maybe magic was the same, she thought, and only what its effects were could be immoral for some people. One of those people who deemed another -- a stranger other than what he’s gathered from tails -- evil, was Tharris.*

*Sure, he had every right to use his morals to believe someone is evil, but zip couldn’t see why he would do so to a stranger. Having heard what everyone had said this man did, and planned, she could however, understand everyone’s’ concern. Honestly, she was a bit afraid of this man, whoever he was, for stories had held in people’s minds. There must have been a few things he did that others didn’t approve of if they stuck, and affected people so.*

*Just as zip could never hate someone because someone else did, she couldn’t bring herself to find another immoral because of could-be-rumors and blame. She did, though, still wish to help her friends. She wouldn’t fight for something she didn’t truly understand, there were so many questions and other thoughts beating through her veins, but she would still try to protect lives of people in Titan, and her friends. Evil he may not be, but she wouldn’t let someone trip someone she cared about, and even if by chance one slipped through her defense, which she had no confidence in; she would be there with her hand held out to help her friend stand again. She always wanted to offer something that showed she cared.*

*When Tharris glanced at her to see if she was paying attention, she realized just how fast each of those questions came and beat for answers. She straightened herself a bit, putting her full attention to hearing every bit he had to say. She would let the questions come at the right time, and the answers that came in colored glass melt another time into the picture, the stained glass of true understanding. The betrayal startled her at first, but the need for answers pushed her to full attention again.*

*When Gus left the room, she wondered if there was even more to it. Surely he had something that the others didn’t mention. She didn’t know Gus too well, but whatever his reason he stepped out, it added to her wish not to take a side with something she didn’t know of. Her mind was racing again, with the sudden quiet that came with Gus’ leave. When she noticed her hands were starting to shake a bit, she clasped them behind herself firmly, forcing them to be still with as little mind power as she could. There were much more important things to think of, and many of them. She heard yelling. This time she couldn’t make it out with how distant she had become. She froze as even her heart stopped. Dropping the glass in a way, she fought not to expose her trembling hands to check for cuts. Just as she kept her questions private, she didn’t let her worries be seen.*

*Feng turned to see the newcomer still holding Safarah, doing his best to listen to the questions presented to him.*

"My name is Feng, I carried th' stumbly one here, name was uhh, uhh, Safarah if I 'eard right. She told me 'er buddy Joe been 'urt and I took 'er 'ere to see 'em."

*With that, Feng looks around as if expecting something to come out and attack right on the street, when all seems clear he checks to see that Safarah is still ok and clears his throat to attempt a whisper:*

"She says he was 'urt by a dirty full orc, nothin I like more then smashin a full orc, they is dirty bastids. *Picking his voice back up to a normal tone he continues.* I wanna see dis guy if he knows where I can get a good fight, and the stumbly one 'ere seems to be my new friend."

*Flashing a crooked grin that showed an odd bit of demented innocence, like a teddy bear missing an eye left out in the rain, Feng had one last question to ask as he re-checked Safarah to be sure she was comfortable in his arms*

"Can you take us to see Joe?"
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Postby Joe » July 7th, 2006, 2:18 am

"Can you take us to see Joe?"
.:: upon hearing this question, Gus recieved a shiver up his spine, he had just left the room for a breath of fresh air aswell as to get away and think of what to do. He looked at Safarah, she was in no condition to stay out in the brewing storm. He nodded his head and began to walk.::

"Follow me"
.::He lead them straight to the room, though he did not enter. After his task was done he went out to get a nurse to fetch a chair or two for the others. He left the hospital once again to collect his mind.::

((In thought))
*Could it be him or could this person be from before i came... What if it is Him...?*

.:: Gus rubs the back of his neck then shakes his head in frustration.::
*Bah! I need a Drink.*
.::Gus heads over to the tavern and orderes a round. He needed something to calm his nerves. If he was not to intoxicated he would possibly return to see of any other developments::

Joe listened intently to Tharris' tale, trying to glean as much information as possible about this man who had invaded Joe's mind. ... from another world ... perhaps he was from the same world as Joe was, that would explain why Joe could use his magic, and not others. That's when he realized that the stone was gone, he couldn't feel it's magic anymore. There was another source, faint, inside him... his dragon? He was getting lost in his thoughts again when shouting out the window snapped him out of it. Curiosity stood him up and took him to look out the window and down below just in time to see three figures blurred by the rain, walk inside the building.

"Did I hear my name?" he said, turning towards Tharris and Zip. But before he hear an answer he looked to the door being opened to see Safarah come in with an orc. "Saf! Hey cutie...uhh, who's your friend?"

Slightly more aware from the rain coming down in her as Fenn carried her, she hopped up and had a grin that was so big it hurt when joe acknowledged her.

"Joe im so sorry i'm a bit drunk. I missed you and am so glad you'r ok!. This is my friend Fenn. He's a half orc, I met at the pub. He carried me here cause I was to drunk to walk in the storm. He seems to hate full orcs, and wanted to help!"

She hadn't realized that she was still hugging him when she finished speaking. Her face got flushed and hot from the embarrasment. She had to keep her composure. She knew how she felt inside about joe, but he loved another. As safarah was drunk, she could easily slip up and say something stupid. She looked up and let out a deep sigh...

"so what has happened here? Any news?"

Tharris, seeing Saf and what appeared to be her new friend enter the room, went over a quick recap with them. letting them know the basics of the story. Seeing Saf's current condition he prepared himself to retell the story at a later time for better comprehension if she asked. Upon finishing he looked to the room.*

"I know where this castle is, and I would be glad to lead you all there. May I suggest resting for the night, Joe looks good enough to travel and it should be a fairly easy go until we get close. I have a few things to attend to myself before we head out."

*With that he excused himself and left the room, then he asked around and headed to the tavern in search of Gus. Hopefully he could convince him to travel with them. The aid of another mind to take on the challenges ahead would not go amiss.*


.::Gus sat in a booth in a far off corner of the tavern drinking a silken while studying a few parchments in order to perfect his transformations. He placed both his feet on the other side of the table to give off the feeling that he wanted to be left alone. Though he was outwardly away from what happened at the infermary he still had a itch in the back of his neck about what was happening or what was going to happen. He ordered a pitcher of tea instead of another silken, he did not want to become intoxicated lest he fall prey to any foul beasts upon his journey home.::

"Hello Fenn, nice to meet you." Joe reaches out to shake his hand, "A half orc who hates full orcs eh? Saf does find the most interesting friends. But as my friend Tharris said, there seems to be plenty of orcs to fight along this mission, maybe thousands. You sure you'll be up for it?" Joe then turned to Saf, "And even if you are up for it hun, we better get you a good night sleep first, why don't you meet us in the armory tomorrow morning and tell us if you want to come along or not. I'll get you a room at the inn and make sure you have a wake up call. You can tell us if you want to come along tomorrow when you're a bit more sober, ok?" He was about to take her hand to lead her out of the infermary before he realized he wasn't properly dressed himself. "Maybe I should grab a shirt real quick, and, for that matter, I suppose I need to check out of here as well. Fenn, do you know the way to the inn? If you wouldn't mind leading her there you can get yourself a room too if you don't have a place to stay and tell them to put it on my tab." Joe then turned to the door to go and look for a nurse to let him check out.

*Feng chuckled a bit when asked if he knew the location of the inn, knowing that it was always his first stop any time his old ship made port anywhere.*

"I gets to more bar's then youse got 'round here, tis where I saw th' stumbly one." *motioning to Safarah* "I knows th' way, I'll take 'er back wit me an make sure she's ok. But if I gets to smash me sum full orcs then why is we waitin? I wants to go an' gets me sum fightin done!"

*Feng was lightly bouncing as he spoke, excited at the prospect of covering a battlefield with orcish blood. Tilting his head slightly as he remembered that he was asked to escort Safarah back to the inn, he turned and scooped her back up with no apparent effort, his armor clanking as his arms flexed with excitement at the thought of battle. He left a few parting words as he shuffled out of the room:*

"My old mates calls me Shumpy. If youse wants me to smash th' damned full orcs youse are my new mates."

*Though no one could see but Safarah, a massive grin had shown itself on Feng's face as he spoke, in his mind, Feng had found his new home in Titan.*

*zip stayed mostly quiet in thought, still sure she wanted to accompany her friends even if it was only to help with the trip there and hopefully, back. She said her farewells to everyone in the room, passing a weak, hello smile to the half orc before heading out. Her home in the mountains was to far if she was to be fully rested for the trip, so she waited outside the door for Safarah.*

*She walked along with her friend, introducing herself to the man in the walk. She made sure to mention that she would be at the armory at the right time. She didn't stay long before she left to the forest just outside of Titan. Finding a tree which branches stretched far and bare inside before reaching out and touching the ground, she knew it would make a great shelter. She didn't remember it's name at the time--due to all of the other thoughts clouding her mind--but she knew its sap made it fire resistant and that it would keep out any weather. Using dry branches she gathered on her way, she cleared a spot under the tree and started a small fire with a touch of magic before climbing up on a secure branch. Leaning back on the truck, it seamed to be forever before she fell asleep.*

*Tharris was about to go into the tavern and talk to Gus, but noticed through the door Gus's current mood and state of mind. Tharris might still be new to this city but he knew when someone wanted to be alone. So he left him be and went to gather supplies. He grabbed two backpacks, two healers kits, several days trail rations (in the unlikely event he couldn't find any food for them), and several waterskins. That was enough to keep them going for a while and if anyone felt they needed something else it was on them. He rolled up one of the backpacks and put it in one of the side pouches, and put the rations at the bottom of the pack with the healers kits on top of them then the water skins on that, leaving one of the side pockets open for the basics, flint & steel, whetstones, chalk, he even got an everburning torch (complete with small pouch to cover the flame with when not in use.)*

*After getting all the things ready Tharris walked past the tavern again to see if Gus was still there, and get himself one last home cooked meal before bedding down for the night to leave in the morning on a long journey.*

Last edited by Joe on July 7th, 2006, 2:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Joe » July 7th, 2006, 2:19 am

The only thing she had remembered was being thrown on the soft mattress from where she now layed, and streched her aching muscles. She leaned over and pulled the curtain closed as the small opening in it was allowing painful rays of sunshine in. As she rolled over and put the soft pillow over her head, her mind started to run with memories of last nite. She let out a groan of embarrassment from the level of intoxication she reached, and how she let her emotions get the best of her.

She had remembered a kind orc carring her to see her friend then throwing her into this bed like a sack of potatoes. But she also started to remember something about a mission....Thats right!... The armory!! She had to go to the armory!!!!

Safarah threw the soft blankets back and hopped up as fast as she could and went to grab her boots on the desk in the corner. Before she knew it, she had tripped over a very solid object on the floor and flew about 10 feet across the room, only to land on herface, giving herself a larger headache and a bloody nose. As she rolled over and slowly sat up holding her hand to her nose, she groaned from the self inflicted injury, also from missing the large orc laying on the floor, that was just rudely woken up.

All she could do at that moment was look at the very startled and confused orc, and give him a look of apology.

.::Upon reading half of the parchments on the table aswell as drinking his fill he packed up and left the tavern. Deciding to join Joe and the others, he left for his room. Upon entering he immedietly began preparing, packing his bow and arrows, his throwing knives a weeks worth of rations a water skin, money pouch for times in other villages and a few other neccessities. time flew as he packed, he had not noticed that it was already dawn when he had finished. though he did not need sleep he had poor sleeping habbits and suffered from many nights of sleeplessness.(sp?) He placed his protective medallion which he recieved from Mara and headed out in search of Joe and the others.::

As he rounded yet another corner in the enormous hospital, a glimmer came into Joe's eye. She was tall and thin with dark hair pouring down her back. She was looking at her clipboard and didn't notice Joe at first as he walked up to her. He had a way of walking, a look in his eyes, when approaching women, and when she looked up at him she knew it instantly, a primal recognition that clicked somewhere in the back of her mind, attraction, desire.

"you- you're not supposed to be out of bed. you've been in a coma for three days now."

"If you want me back in bed, I guess I could be pursuaded," he smiled, "but I was hoping I could check out of here. I've promised my friends I would join them on a very dangerous mission tomorrow for the safety of Titan, and I'd hate to dissapoint."

It took her a moment to get past his eyes and that smile and remember her job, "But, you've just woken up, you haven't even been examined yet or anything. You don't know if you're fully healed yet." somehow she knew she'd already lost this battle and if she wasn't careful, may just lose another.

"Well dear, the safety of Titan surely ranks above the safety of me. But if you insist on an examination, help me out of here and I'll let you give me a full examintation in my room in the inn."

"I beg your pardon?"

Twenty minutes later he walked out the door with her into the rain that had lightened now to a gentle cool. As he walked with her, neither spoke much, but he could feel her heart beat in the air and the subtle excitement in her breath. He knew that she wouldn't be able to replace her, just like none of the others had, but even still, as he lead her up the stairs to his room, he also knew that tonight he would make her feel everything a woman should.

The next morning Joe woke up refreshed and alert, or at least feeling much much better. His injuries were completely gone and as he stretched he could feel his full range of motion hadn't left. He looked over at the peaceful face still sleeping in his bed and smiled slightly before he turned to prepare for the journey ahead. He pulled on his enchanted t-shirt, strapped his sword to his back, and grabbed his walking stick. He'd need it this time; he didn't know how far they had to go but it was his best friend on long journeys. He decided to leave his spell book here. Since he had no access to magic now, his blade would be his defense now. Needing no other supplies he left, careful not to slam the door and wake the nurse in his bed.

Stepping out of the inn the air was crisp and beautiful to Joe's skin. He closed his eyes and breathed in deep before opeing them again and heading off to the armory. He didn't get five feet before he noticed Gus walking up ahead of him and he rushed to catch up. "Gus! Hey Gus!" he jogged up beside his friend, "I didn't really get the chance to properly thank you for saving my life." he clapped Gus on the shoulder. "I'm heading to the armoryto meet Tharris and the others to go and fight this evil wizard. Perhaps you've changed your mind about joining us? The air is fresh and the sun is warm, it's a good day for killing orcs if you ask me. And maybe I'll get the chance to return the favor if you come along," he smiled big at his friend as they walked, awaiting his reply.

*zip made sure to get up early to have time for all she needed to do. She stopped at the home of the old man, who she had been becoming friends with over time. He was laconic, but so was she unless someone got her going, or she wasn't in a mood to be hesitant with expressing her opinion. Though there were times where she was very garrulous. The news the man had for her didn't change, saying he still couldn't identify the plant or tell its organ. He said to give him more time. However, he did have a package for her, a medium size pouch she had ordered almost months ago.*

*She beamed as she grasped the pouch and tied it on her hip. She made sure to give it space as to not hit on her other pouch and bruise their contents. She knew just what had arrived for her; a whole arrangement of rare and none native dried fruits. The man had special arrangements of trade, and had offered to order the precious delicacies. She had hoped to save them and take bits at a time on small journeys, but now it was a good thing to have. She didn't have any idea how long it would take to help her friends.*

*The Amentan left the small shop with a kind good-bye to the old man. She had no money, or she would have bought other things for the trip. One of the reasons she slept outside last night, other than for comfort. She knew that she should be fine, she could live off of the land if it wasn't too new to her. Hopping that she could get whatever else she might need off of the land, she met up with her friends.*

*Feng was quite confused as Safarah bolted upright saying something about the armory, and took a few moments to remember that not everyone can sleep in a full suit of armor and be comfortable.*

"I don't know 'bout youse, but I wants me some food fer th' road if we goin' now. I'll buy me somethin' fer everyone and see ya there."

*The clanking of Fengs armor was heard going back and forth to the various shops to collect various things to eat and a massive pack to carry it all. All in all, he was able to make it back to the armory with enough food and drink to ration his former crew, suffice to say it was quite a bit.*

"I don't know who is all comin' but I hope they hungry on th' trip, I don't want ta see all this spoil afore I can eat it."

*Feng stood at the armory with a massive chunk of some sort of beef jerky hanging from his mouth and a quarter full wineskin at his side, the massive pack seeming to go unnoticed on his back but his great swords moved to his side to avoid the obvious obstruction. He attempted to chat idly with passers by and members of the group as they arrived, only stopping to fish a bit more food from the pack and offer what he found there when Zip approached:*

"I seems to think I saw youse at Joe's room, but you didn't say much, can I offer an apple an' maybe chat with youse afore we go?"

*The hand that extended the ripe fruit hesitated for a moment, returned to the pack and produced a bit of beef jerky and another wineskin to be offered as well. The smile Feng wore was for several reasons, he was perpaired for adventure, and exicted to make new friends in his new home.*

*Only when the orc…no that wasn’t the best way to think of someone who was obviously nice, by the way he helped Safarah at least. Shumpy then, as he announced himself the day before, only when he looked up and spoke to her did zip notice his presents. She had been going over her reasons for coming and had let her guard drop immensely in the safety of Titan. She forced on a smile, waiting to be closer before responding.*

*She brightened slowly while the distance decreased. It would be nice to have something other to speak of than potential death or another horror. Also, here was a man that might become a good friend with a bit of time. It was always nice to have more friends, and zip did her best to keep in touch with all of them as much as she could. Good friends weren’t good friends if you couldn’t be there for each other, laugh together. Even the friends she had made father away remembered and smiled when they saw her, so she reasoned that she was a good friend to them too.*

“I’d love an apple, thank you very much Shumpy.”

*She spoke while kneeling down in front of him, sitting back on her bare heals and shinning the apple on her dark green cloak draped over her other arm. A stray and thin vine ran around her arm and under the cloak. She didn’t need to think of holding her smile now; she was truly happy. She took Shumpy’s euphoria; his smile wasn’t the best, but obviously friendly. Not expecting the jerky and water, she just put it safely in a pocket in the cloak and the strap of water on her shoulder, grateful to be given with what she might need. She only wished she could return something, but a pleasant conversation would be best.*

*She brought bother her closed lip smile and eyes up to Shumpy before introducing herself. “I’m zip,” rather than offer a hand shake, she fumbled the apple, trying to think up something to say. A distant bird was singing, unaware of what might come. The sunny day dulled for a moment, zip looked up to see a thin wave of a nimbostratus clouds moving over the sun. By what followed, she knew they might have a constant light rain in time. Bringing her attention back to her could-be-friend, her smile hadn’t faltered. “I guess we’ll be having a little shower. I’d enjoy some rain--it would put more life into the flowers in some of my favorite meadows--would you?”*

*Feng listened with obvious interest as Zip talked, adding to his smile a bit when his nickname was used to address him with a bit of warmth. Only the sound of the bird made him turn slightly, years at sea taught him to always listen for a bird because it would signal proximity to land. His smile grew slightly as the apple, water, and jerky were accepted, he was happy to be able to share his rations. When asked about the rain Feng considered for a moment, subconsciously checking his armor to make sure the leather was still bound correctly over the psudo-steel.*

"I spent a long time 'round the sea, I get along just fine wit th' storms, rain would be ok fer me an' welcome too. I don't knows much 'bout flowers an' all that, but they is pretty an' I likes em just fine."

*Feng suddenly became aware that his hands had been checking his armor and blushed a bit, his thoughts rolled around as he placed the bag of supplies on his shield and lowered them to the ground. He sat next to Zip, keeping what he hoped would be a comfortable distance for her. Taking a sizeable plate of psudo-steel off his right shoulder with the padding attached and placed it on the ground, exposing a scar that extended across the full length of the shoulder and wide enough to only have come from a large axe of some sort. Considering for a moment he offered it as a place to sit as he continued:*

"It's a bit nicer then th' roads round 'ere if ya want, we might 'ave a bit of time ta talk afore th' others git 'ere. I got some fruits from back th' other side of town if ya want more, I thinks ya call it a picnic 'round 'ere?"

*Though he seemed oblivious, in his mind Feng was considering the coming adventure, not being sure of anything but who his new friends were, and that they told him he could fight full blooded orcs. Feng found a new home here, friends, and the prospect of a great adventure, he was enjoying every second of it.*

*Tharris awoke that morning refreshed and ready for the road. He quickly got out of bed and rubbed the morning soreness out of his back, after several decades on the road he had gotten used to sleeping on the ground and in the trees. Staying in town and in an inn was still taking some getting used to. He stood and stretched then began preparing his equipment the backpacks were still against the wall right next to the door so he went over to the chair where his armor was slung over the back. As he slid the chain shirt over his head it covered all the scarring slashes he had received in his years of fighting, he thought absently "By the time this one is over there will be more." Walking over to the wall he wrung his wrists and flexed his hands he needed maximum mobility to be the most effective at what he did, pulling his scimitars aff the peg on the wall he strapped them around his waist he had recently been contemplating carrying them on his back rather than his waist and was thinking about trying it just to see the mobility differences on this journey but not right now. He walked back over to the chair and took a seet to put his boots on, then stepped over to the bed to pull his knives out from under the pillow he stuck them in his boots and walked out the door grabbing the packs as he went.*

*Stepping outside he looked around seeing it was a bright day even with the cloudy overhang, he smiled a mischevious smile. He was going traveling to kill some orcs one of his favorite past-times, he chuckled to himself at that thought or maybe to some remembered joke it was hard to tell when watching him. He seemed to take nothing and everything seriously at the same time. Once again looking to the sky he thought, "Looks like it might shower on us tonight, the forests could sure use it. Downside it will slowdown my less traveled companions. Fun!" With that thought he began his short trek to the armory.*


*Upon arrival he saw Feng sitting talking with Zip it was good that the newcomer had garnered a friend among the group, and it was good that zip had established a relationship with what appeared to be an able fighter. He slowed his pace upon seeing them allowing them a few seconds to wrap up any conversation they might have been having that they didn't wish overheard. Then getting closer to them he greeted them both.*

"Goodmorning you two, I see you have brought provisions for others as well Feng. My thanks go out to you, although I will do my best to prevent us from having to eat rations as much as possible through hunting. If you require any weapons or armaments that you do not already possess the armory can provide you with basic equipment. Might I suggest that we double check our supplies before everyone gets here that the process is sped along?" Upon saying that he slung his pack down double checked everything he still had the water skins, he took one out and fastened it along his belt, under that he had several healers kits with various balms and bandages and ointments, hoping he wouldn't need them he tried to always have some with him in case he did, and under that he had 20 or 30 pounds of jerky, that should be enough to sustain them should he and anyone assisting him in the hunting not be able to provide for any night in particular. After checking his packs tharris closed them again and stood leaning against the wall waiting for others to show.

Last edited by Joe on July 7th, 2006, 2:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Guest » July 7th, 2006, 2:23 am

(((OOC... whew, that was a lot of copying. If anyone new wants to join up, sorry I made it difficult to tell who was who, but I really don't feel like editing all those posts. Tharris just posted, I think we're waiting on a reply from Gus before continuing and then we're off. thanks for your patience while I've been away everyone.)))

edit, this is joe, somehow got logged out and didn't notice it.

Postby Safarah » July 10th, 2006, 4:19 pm

When she returned to the overly bright room after bathing and clearing her very heavy head, she realized her new friend had left. She readied herself as she was not sure what they were to encounter, but was willing to aid her friends in any way possible. She picked up her dagger off the table and slid it under her garter. It was nothing to be proud of, as it was a standard blade with leather straps wrapped around the plain handle to cussion the grip, but she has had it for a long time and mastered the feel of it. on the other leg, she would place the asortment of elemental enchanted throwing crystals, sharpened enough to allow a man to recieve a clean shave.

Doing a final once over to make sure everything was in order, she quickly dressed herself with the remaining pouches that contained various potions, powders, dusts, herbs, and poisons. Then with a quick motion, she reached up to her neck to make sure she still had her small goodluck charm, a small vile if drako's blood. With everything in place, she left her sleeping quarters and headed to the armory to meet up with the others.

As she rounded the corner of the armory building, she saw the familiar faces of Tharris, Feng, and zip. As she walked up to them, she noticed how well zip and feng were carring on and that made safarah smile. She like them both and their souls were of a pure nature.

"Hi everyone, I'm sorry I'm late, I had a rough night as i'm sure you all know. How are we on provisions? I need to run in andget a few waterskins and some food. Can I get anything for anyone? Some fruit for you zip?"
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Postby Agustus » July 10th, 2006, 5:31 pm

.::Gus stopped and turned waiting for Joe to catch up.::
"Oi Joe, i have thought about it.... and i guess ill join in on this journey. the reason i left so abruptly was i thought it was someone else, but after reading for a bit i figured it wasnt him... it has to be someone before my time."
*rubs his stuble filled chin*
"Well then, where are we headed to?"
*Smug Grin*
.::Gus and Joe begin to walk and talk on their way to the armory.::
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Postby Joe » July 11th, 2006, 2:28 pm

"To the Armory." Joe said with a smile. "I guess we figured we could grab any gear we needed there before heading off on our little quest."

Seeing the rest of his friends in the distance as they approached, Joe called out, "Hey! Look who I found! I knew he couldn't resist a good fight!" As the pair drew closer he saw that the group was already double checking their supplies for the journey ahead. "Are we all ready to go so soon?" then, turning to Tharris, "I trust you have a plan to lead us there, or do we need to prepare one now?"
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