Questions from a newbee

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Questions from a newbee

Postby nial03 » June 3rd, 2010, 4:31 am


I started this game a while ago and I think I am soon able to go to the docks. Can you give me som advices?

My stats
Guts: 156
Wits: 56
Charm: 55
Attack: 74
Defend: 154
Skill: 164
Lvl: 22

Great helm +24d-7s ( bless) enchanted 2 times
mystic robes +34d+15s ( Bless, lucky)
Swift boots +23d+60s (bless)
Rat tail whip +35a+8d+35s (Disease, blind)
Crystal Rams Horn +25a+45d-20s (bless lucky) Encanted 8 times to +26a+49d-12s.

I have 5 fight skill and 3 sage skill.

Am I ready for the docks (it cost some marks so I would like to hear some opinions). Is my gear ok? I am planning to get som trader skills, is that the best way to go?

Thanks in advance.

Ohh, forgot one thing, I am a new member of the Titan Clan, thanks for letting me in.
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Re: Questions from a newbee

Postby Curulan » June 3rd, 2010, 4:52 am

You probably want to pick up some more Guild skills... Trader would be a good choice to give you some Backstabs.

I would definitely recommend you get better equipment, though; your Attack is rather low for that area.
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Re: Questions from a newbee

Postby nial03 » June 3rd, 2010, 5:07 am

Ok, I will fix some trader skills. Can anyone help me with some gear? How does that work, how do you pay for it?
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Re: Questions from a newbee

Postby Curulan » June 3rd, 2010, 12:19 pm

If you post in the Member Access thread in the DC forum, I can give you access to the Member services forums once your character shows up on the clan member list. Once you're in, you can make a request for and upgrade in the Armory. We're a bit short on help lately, but someone should be able to get it to you eventually.
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Re: Questions from a newbee

Postby killadaemon666 » June 3rd, 2010, 10:36 pm

id say ur good to go on hie brasil try and backstab the gladiators and medusas get a gladius and snake scale suit then ull be laughing u may want to enchant ur gear a little bit more tho...
dcmail me ill hook u up with some better gear.


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224d DragonScaleJacket (=+44a+280d+438s) thanks Blade and RE
135d Crystal Swift Boots (=+65a+206d+1020s) thanks D_S
294a Silver Amini Club ESUR( forgot the esed stats) :(
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Re: Questions from a newbee

Postby nial03 » June 4th, 2010, 8:51 am

done and done!

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Re: Questions from a newbee

Postby Curulan » June 4th, 2010, 6:17 pm

I didn't want to mention this, but since Killa brought up enchanting... You'll definitely want to improve your Wits a lot before you do that. I'd say try to get it around 150-200 before you start, otherwise you will be wasting scrolls left and right.
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Re: Questions from a newbee

Postby nial03 » June 7th, 2010, 2:23 am

How do you best do that? I am dicing a little, is that the best way to go?
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Re: Questions from a newbee

Postby Curulan » June 7th, 2010, 4:16 pm

No, the best way is to quest. Go against monsters that give you third options that involve Wits (usually helping or riddles), and choose that option every time.
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Re: Questions from a newbee

Postby nial03 » July 8th, 2010, 3:31 am

Thank you Killadaemon666, It is just perfect.

One more question, how du you protect your gear? I quest for fish oil, is that the way to go or is there any other way?
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Re: Questions from a newbee

Postby killadaemon666 » July 10th, 2010, 11:51 pm

what i do is keep my stuff oiled and buy the blessing from the queen which costs 100,000 marks this protects ur gear that u are wearing only the otherone for 500,000 will protect ur gear and whats in ur pack aswell.hope that helps ya.


Sig Courtesy of Toki W&W all rights reserved. heh he he..

Miners Cap esblg(=+80a+92dd+1605s) / 31a/d spikey(=+46a+48d+138s)
224d DragonScaleJacket (=+44a+280d+438s) thanks Blade and RE
135d Crystal Swift Boots (=+65a+206d+1020s) thanks D_S
294a Silver Amini Club ESUR( forgot the esed stats) :(
157a 63d Crystal Gauntlet (=+216a+126d+583s)/Serpent Scale (=+105a 111d 1941s)
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