Yadhtrib Yppah

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Yadhtrib Yppah

Postby jadewik » April 23rd, 2009, 5:18 pm

Uruc, Yadhtrib Yppah!

You are now old... like me! Yay! =D
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Re: Yadhtrib Yppah

Postby Twist Rolarian » April 23rd, 2009, 10:17 pm

You don't know old yet, little lady.
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Re: Yadhtrib Yppah

Postby Unicia Wallace » April 23rd, 2009, 10:55 pm

Hi twitsty!! So how old are you now????
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Re: Yadhtrib Yppah

Postby Carzal » April 23rd, 2009, 11:34 pm

We need a a "curu's cane" gif.
I used to have a whole bunch of titles, I think. That probably makes me better than you. Maybe.
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Re: Yadhtrib Yppah

Postby jadewik » April 24th, 2009, 12:36 pm

Twist Rolarian wrote:You don't know old yet, little lady.

Awe, but Twist... I DO know OLD. What I don't know is ANCIENT! Hehehe.
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Re: Yadhtrib Yppah

Postby Twist Rolarian » April 24th, 2009, 3:28 pm

Unicia Wallace wrote:Hi twisty!! So how old are you now????

I quit keeping track about the time the Romans started nailing carpenters to trees.

jadewik wrote:Awe, but Twist... I DO know OLD. What I don't know is ANCIENT! Hehehe.

Ok, so since you know me, then yes, you do know OLD. Which means you know ANCIENT as well. :P
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