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PostPosted: April 10th, 2008, 5:57 pm
by jadewik
I have a lot of family history in Utah and my Satan Grandma loves to talk about it all the time. One time, she took us up to Ensign Peak and told us (for the 500-bajillionth time) that "This is where your Great-great... etc... (some relation) stood when Brigham Young said 'This is the place'." Apparently, my great-whatever (Joel Hills Johnson) then went on to write the hymn "High on a Mountain Top". While that's all really exciting and fun (as well as my pioneer heritage in the historical Martin Handcart Company incident)... I don't find myself as wet-my-pants excited as Satan Grandma... but I have seen quite a bit of Utah because of it.

... Hey, is the 49th Street Galleria still there? (It was in Murray, UT) That place was like a giant video game arcade. Fun times.

PostPosted: April 10th, 2008, 9:07 pm
by Carzal
I went to Europe two summers ago, but until I have amassed a decent amount of money, I won't be vacationing away anywhere: I have university tuition, and all of the costs that go with that to pay for, and I have various other expenses (girlfriends are expensive) that I have to maintain. Sooo, for those of you lucky enough to be able to take time off... curse you!

PostPosted: April 11th, 2008, 4:29 am
by Chaszofein
Don't quote me on this Jade, cause I'm not sure, but I think I have seen commercials recently for that place. So I think it still is, though I have never been to Murray. Lot of places I need to go just around home. They tore down the old Ogden Mall, and now there is some huge Multiplex thing there with rock climbing, theater, and arcade and other such things there. Big huge thing here, but I have yet to go, gotta save up some money to go there someday though.