Help! fellow Titans

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Help! fellow Titans

Postby tw830 » December 12th, 2006, 7:59 pm

To all Titan members:

I currently have 2 characters n they are both in the Titan clan, one is called twching, and other one is tw830, both of them are in level 18.

It's been really difficult for me to gain level because the characters die so easily due to weak equipments; and when the characters die, I would lose a lot of marks, so can anyone please donate any unwanted, but powerful equipment; and also some marks to my characters? Thank you so much.
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Postby Agustus » December 13th, 2006, 12:39 am

ok, what is your current battle level?(char level +fighter skill) and ill see what i can do
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Postby tw830 » December 13th, 2006, 12:47 am

Thx fo the reply

here's the level of my current character
twching level 18
fighter, trader, magery, sage, all level 3,
guts 85 wits 42 charm 3X, i forgot but it's 30 sth

tw830 level 18
fighter, trader, magery, all level 3 and sage is level 4
guts 82 wits 40 charm 3X, i forgot but it's 30 sth

also i went into the castle and got both of the character the title
Sr. , the title before i can become a knight, i also forgot what is called but it's Sr. twching i think. sth like that.

hope that's enough information
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Postby Agustus » December 13th, 2006, 1:11 am

More than enough, ill log into my chars and quest for a bit then enchant a few and send a "gift" should take me one reset so you should get it next resetImage

Edit: Ok sent you some gear and cash, it should tie you over for a while if used wisely... anyway enjoy your questing and if you need any other help please dont hesitate to ask.... someone else:-p bug anyone and im sure you'll get helped :twisted:
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Postby Guest » December 13th, 2006, 1:58 pm

thank you so much, Agustus. It does seems enough. but somehow i even get killed but the snot in the forest, which is pretty unreasonable. anyway. thank so much again.

Postby bow4lyf » December 14th, 2006, 1:11 am

Yeah.. the snots are pretty strong. I suggest you get better gears/ max enchant them. So, that u will raise ur skills and attack.
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Postby tw830 » December 14th, 2006, 1:34 pm

guess what bow4lyf and Agustus,

i did gear up wif the equipment you gave me. it was powerful. but i went up to the mountain and guess what . i was jacked!!!. some monster EMPTYED my WHOLE backpack. wif ALL THOSE marks and gears Agustus gave me. HOLY MACRO!!!!!!!! i was SO MAD!!!!! is there any way i can prevent get my backpack empty again????? HELP~~~~~~~~~~~
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Postby Agustus » December 14th, 2006, 3:34 pm

put them in storage... the market place has a storage spot where you put all your stuff that you dont need
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Postby bow4lyf » December 17th, 2006, 2:03 am

and u could use theif insurance
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Postby Xartamal » December 18th, 2006, 8:22 pm

nice char! keep it going! titan will always be ther!

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