Legionairre's Disease is Back and Could Kill You

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Legionairre's Disease is Back and Could Kill You

Postby Tarathilien » November 11th, 2006, 7:36 pm

Lance Winslow wrote: Legionairre's Disease is back and it is quite troubling indeed. These cases seem to break out every so often and it is hard to trace how. Recently a little hole in the wall Mexican restaurant had an outbreak. The CDC figured it came from the decorative fountain out front. Imagine owning a small restaurant in Rapid City, Iowa and finding out that your customers and employees were getting sick from a rare strain of bacteria which was know to be the infamous Legionairre’s Disease? Actually the Legionairre’s Disease is a nickname, which stands officially for the scientific name; Legionella pneumophila, serogroup 1 subtype Benidorm. Sounds awful indeed.

Legionairre’s Disease is very elusive, this time it came and went and then disappeared only to show up later. The Legionella Microbe is very tricky and has interesting habbits, as it thrives on biofilms and slime. Eat feeds off of sugar like substances that baxteria excrete. The biofilms protect it from the disinfectants normally used and the Legionella can survive anywhere there is water. But it generally does not get to people unless it stays in water of 80-110 degrees.

It is almost if the Legionella knows that humans heat water with hot water heaters, store warm water and have industrial type cooling towers. It seems to like to hang around such things and when the water changes temps, it goes, but then it comes back again. As we have seen from the warm water and humidity lately, it must be loving it. Pretty scary stuff, better be careful. Think on this.

Lance Winslow is a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Winslow

This is in honor of my main char, Legionairre :lol:
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Postby zipcat » November 11th, 2006, 8:29 pm

Everything can kill you.

Quick, go hide under a rock before you die! Oh, wait, that can kill you.

But... It's a bacterium; they don't even have to know you have it and can treat you with just erythromycin (A normal antibiotic).
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Postby Tarathilien » November 11th, 2006, 8:33 pm

Zip wrote:erythromycin
Is that like some sort of alien? lol. Yeah, well, I'm just glad my main's got a disease named after him. Oh, btw, during the Good Old Days of the Salem Trials, people would get very heavy stones and pile them on suspected witches which would kill them very slowly. They would also strap a heavy stone to a witch and throw her in the river. If she floated above water, she was a confirmed witch. If she dropped to the bottom and died, she was not guilty of the allegations and her sould rested in Heaven for all eternity. Stones can kill, Zip.
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Postby zipcat » November 11th, 2006, 8:53 pm

Tarathilien wrote:Is that like some sort of alien?

zipcat wrote:erythromycin (A normal antibiotic).

Tarathilien wrote:Stones can kill, Zip.

zipcat wrote:Oh, wait, that can kill you.

I disdain sounding rude or snobby, but I'll allow it today.

Tarathilien, don't make me repeat myself. Not when you can re-read it and it doesn't leave you with confusion. It's annoying.

Eh.. thank you.
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Postby Tarathilien » November 11th, 2006, 11:24 pm

Ouch...I was just playing around. I'll quit doing stuff like this from now on. Thanks. See you all later........
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Postby Carzal » November 12th, 2006, 1:37 am

*throws a spear through zip's head so quickly that nobody notices, then ruins the effects by screaming at the top of his lungs: "BANNNNNNNNNNZAAAAAIIIIII!"*

And what are you gonna do 'bout it?
I used to have a whole bunch of titles, I think. That probably makes me better than you. Maybe.
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Postby Curulan » November 12th, 2006, 2:23 pm

I don't know what zip can do about it, but I know what I can do. I can close this discussion. Clearly you two don't know how to handle yourselves.
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