A return Visit

Have a seat, have a drink, walk among friends, all of this can be done in the Golden Griffon, Titan's official tavern.

A return Visit

Postby Ryan Ryder » October 31st, 2006, 12:33 am

Subtle steps took slowly as he entered the tavern, a tavern that this person has not ventured too in sometime. A smile just as graceful as his steps flowed effortlessly upon his youthful and pure expression. Even though he hadn’t been here in years, the place looked quite refreshing and the smile only grew as he approached the bar, his eyes moving slowly from person to person as he did such. Of course he wasn’t a rude person and nobility rode freely within and therefore a small bow of his head would be offered to all that happened to look his wat.
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Ryan Ryder
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Joined: October 31st, 2006, 12:14 am
Location: Canada

Postby Tarathilien » October 31st, 2006, 8:37 am

*Bows to Ryan* Welcome, Mr. Ryder, to Clan Titan! I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay here!
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