zuka poisons all total destruction for all i like chocolate milk O_o hmm random thread idea... Haiku thread XP (note i may have failed at making a haiku so *raspberries*)
O_O PHAETON!!!! yes i am aware that this is an old post now... -__- curse my lack of activity... it was good seeing your name once again i hope things are well for you my friend
lol nah your not old Carn Xp though i do miss the days when i first started... the clan was very active and full of life... PA, Dedman, Phaeton, Duninstein, Aman, Alorn, Chesh, Brop Peacmark, Ducky, Warscott... all those oldies were around then us the new crew showed up and were left the task of mai...
o_O yea i still troll around here every now an then... Hey bow havent seen you in a long time..... man i miss the old crew... Chesh, Brop, Dedman, Mikey, Zuka, Carz, Xart, an a few others that arent coming to mind(sorry been a long time) anyway i wish you all a safe an good life Xp
all work an no play make Gus a dull boy i work most of the time but on my days off i go out with a few good friends mostly to karaoke or eat an hang out. *watches as omin just sits an relaxes while still ablaze* yea we all know hes used to it.... right Omin XD